Posted on Apr 15, 2019
Is there any way for me to reenlist with a RE4 code?
I was going through a real rough patch in life. My fiance cheated on me while I was deployed. I had no one to check up on me or help me out. I was getting drunk everyday for about a month straight, and during that time, I popped for MDMA. I was advised to get a Navy Lawyer, but my so called legal representation did everything wrong when it came to arguing for my innocence. I can get my old chain of command to give me letters of recommendation. I could probably even get a old Captain friend of mine to give me one, but I don't want to ask unless it would actually even be possible.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
RE-4 Codes are NON-WAIVERABLE. Those with RE-4 Codes are ineligible for re-enlistment
So you took MDMA, but are mad that your legal rep couldn't argue your innocence? Is that because it was true?
PO3 Sayrian Martinez
I was mad, because I had my entire chain of command come to my hearing and testify on my behalf that this was totally out of character, and not something they would ever see me doing intentionally. I admit, getting black out drunk to deal with my failed relationship was not the smartest choice, but I'm not dumb enough to do drugs no matter how drunk I get. I know that, and I'm just trying to see if there is a way for me to earn my pride back, and get a shot at fixing a blemish on what should have been the one job I was most proud of doing.
SGT Christopher Hayden
PO3 Sayrian Martinez - Even if you think the drug test is wrong, the only way you're ever going to be able to get your discharge upgraded enough to reenlist would be to somehow prove that the drug test was wrong. Which is next to impossible (because if there was any cause for reason that it was, your legal rep would have probably tried to use that as a defense). Wanting to earn back your sense of pride is admirable, but you will probably have to come to terms with the fact that according to to the Navy, you took some molly and they kicked you out. Maybe find pride is some new avenue in life?
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