Posted on Aug 18, 2016
Is there any regulation that specifies how often soldiers MUST (not recommendations) have access to showers in a field training environment?
Responses: 9
Bathing requirements in Field Manual (FM) 21-10, Field Hygiene and Sanitation, state that
optimally, Soldiers should have access to a shower or bath every day, or at least once every week for good personal hygiene. This prevents skin infections and infestation by insects. Given mission constraints, if showers or baths are not available, washing daily with a wash cloth is advised.
optimally, Soldiers should have access to a shower or bath every day, or at least once every week for good personal hygiene. This prevents skin infections and infestation by insects. Given mission constraints, if showers or baths are not available, washing daily with a wash cloth is advised.
SSG (Join to see)
PO3, thanks for the reply. I've seen this as well. My command has tasked me with reviewing and updating our field sanitation SOP, specifically regarding field showers. I wasn't sure if there was a DA regulation or policy that set a minimum standard.
PO3 Sandra Gomke
Here's a newer one:
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SSG (Join to see)
SGM Erik Marquez - That's what I've been thinking, but wanted some other input as well. Thanks, SGM!
SSG (Join to see)
PO3 Sandra Gomke - I may or may not have just saved that in pdf to play a little joke on my commander...
SSG (Join to see), as a Preventive Medicine NCO, there are no set in stone regulations dictating the showers, hence the "recommendations." If you are wanting more info, you can find me on Enterprise Global and I will be happy to assist in any way I can.
SSG (Join to see)
Thanks much, but I believe I've got what I need. I'll keep you in mind if I have any other PM questions.
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