Posted on Oct 31, 2015
1SG First Sergeant
Posted in these groups: Army usa or 08a.svg 1SGI want you Retention
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Responses: 3
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
I do not believe we use it enough! While we want to keep the very best and we all claim that we do, too many times leadership will look for reasons not to be the bad guy when their name is on the line to call the shot.
SPC Treatment Medic
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
I wish there was a more ... Unbiased ... Means of conducting these cuts. Maybe outside independent and qualified personnel to come into a battalion to review files and then instead make their recommendations for cuts to a command. Much like the private sector does when making sweeping cuts.

That said (as I'm a firm believe of handing issues at the absolute minimum level) I still think the decision making should be passed back to the lowest level of command of that soldier being reviewed. That being said CSM this could be the way things are currently being handled and I am just unaware of the fact, but if that's true, I'd say it's being done inefficiently.

My other thoughts on the matter of retention, specifically about NCOs, (Or I should say poorly preforming NCOs) would be to handle measures much like a APFT/H&W requirement. A supervisor recognizes chronic shortcomings of the NCO. Either failure to accomplish missions or task (not related to outside influences) poor leadership and development habits. Or lacking in care and wellness of a NCOs soldiers... You could flag the NCO with a written counseling. Allow them a set timeframe to correct themselves, provide education and retraining on how they came to, then reassess. Failure to improve should be immediate separation. much like h/w and APFT the SM would exit with honorable and all benefits and what not but just a simple "thank you for your service, you're no longer needed" sort of thing.

I don't know how feasible all these would be, just my thoughts on the matter.
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
9 y
I have to commend you and give you some positive feedback here, you have some outstanding points SPC (Join to see)!

Paragraph One feedback: The 9C packet should start at the squad level, the PSG is less biased, then it goes to the Company Leadership where the 1SG & Company CDR take a more objective view and considers the Soldiers performance, and apply their judgment as to whether recommend retaining the Soldier or not, if the decision is to not retain the Soldier past ETS, they forward the packet to the BN Command team. If the BN CDR approves not retaining the Soldier it then goes to the BDE CDR for final review and approval. It has been my experience that every level will interview (for lack of a better term) the NCO/Soldier with the packet in front of them to ensure there is/was no toxic leadership involved painting a one-sided picture of the individuals performance.

Paragraph Two feedback: the packet has to be generated from the lowest level. For instance, from my perspective, I might see mediocre performance of an individual however I do not really know what is going on as intimately as the Team Leader/Squad Leader....I would have to go to the immediate leader to ask specific questions and while I could make the leadership aware of programs, I risk undue influence by directing a 9C packet without having the specific information available.

Paragraph Three feedback: The BAR to reenlistment is also a tool available if the NCO/Soldier is not in the retention window. Unfortunately many leaders do not like to use the BAR because it causes too much work for themselves, meaning specific counseling which at the end of the day allows mediocre performance to continue within our ranks!

In summation, it is cyclical and very frustrating but we have the tools available to us to be able to self correct problems and rid our military of mediocre performers if we all just have the guts to looks someone in the eyeball and let them know they are a mediocre performer. It would allow our military to perform at a much higher rate. You are tracking with your thoughts and once again SPC (Join to see), HOOAH!
SPC Treatment Medic
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you for this information CSM Michael J. Uhlig. It's a topic I certainly know very little about with most of it all happening behind the scenes I believe. I think your assessment is absolutely correct too. Far to many either shy away from the paperwork or the confrontation of calling a mediocre performer out on their short comings. Hopefully with the changes coming to NCOERs though we may get better overall individual evaluations. One can hope.
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
According to it is for "Denied Retention by SA – Commander Quality (restricted to fully qualified Soldiers “IMREPR 10” who requested and were denied reenlistment by the O-6 Commander)". I would assume that is to separate the wheat from the chaff.
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1SG Ernest Stull
Even though I am a little late to this discussion, At this time the ARMY has and always will only have ten percenters giving a 100% of themselves and the other 90 % just getting by. This has been a problem in the ARMY for more years then just yesterday. The ARMY just keeps going around in a circle. Even with that being said to me The ARMY is the best. It was my only hobby for 23.5 years. HOOAH.
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