Posted on May 26, 2021
Is it legal for my command to involuntarily extend my AGR contract through the end of my deployment? What options do I have?
USAR AGR soldier here on initial agr orders and on my initial enlistment. 6 year reserve, 2 year irr contract. My 6 year date is up half way through a deployment. My intentions are to switch over to regular army when my 6 year mark is up. It will greatly benefit my family and myself, I plan on staying in for the full 20. Anyways, my command is telling me that they are going to involuntary extend my contract through the end of the deployment. Is this legal? What options do I have?
USAR AGR soldier here on initial agr orders and on my initial enlistment. 6 year reserve, 2 year irr contract. My 6 year date is up half way through a deployment. My intentions are to switch over to regular army when my 6 year mark is up. It will greatly benefit my family and myself, I plan on staying in for the full 20. Anyways, my command is telling me that they are going to involuntary extend my contract through the end of the deployment. Is this legal? What options do I have?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
When you go on a deployment your AGR order should have been cut off and an individual mobilization order started so technically you shouldn't be on an AGR order while on a deployment. You should have received a 400 day mobilization order depending on whether you are under 12302 or 12304b.
Contact your AGR career manager. AGR accessions, movements, REFRAD, etc... is managed at the HRC level, not at the unit level.
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