Posted on Oct 1, 2019
Is employment history dating back to 16 years old normally needed to submit a packet for commissioning?
Hi Everyone,
I am working on getting my packet submitted for an upcoming AMEDD board and was wondering if the packet really needs to reflect my work history all the way back to when I was 16 years old (I am 40 now with 6 years prior service). Also, I am currently serving in the US Army Reserves with all 1s on my PULHES. Is a complete scrub of my medical records needed as well?
Normally I would just chalk this up to the 'hurry up and wait' of the Army but I am a little disgruntled at the moment due to the fact that I have been bugging the recruiters since Jan 2019 to start working on my packet. The submittal date for the packet was Sept 24 and I am being told that I should expect my packet to be sent up in April 2020.
Is this a normal time frame fro submitting a packet and if so why did I continually get brushed off until later when all of this stuff could have been started months ago?
I am working on getting my packet submitted for an upcoming AMEDD board and was wondering if the packet really needs to reflect my work history all the way back to when I was 16 years old (I am 40 now with 6 years prior service). Also, I am currently serving in the US Army Reserves with all 1s on my PULHES. Is a complete scrub of my medical records needed as well?
Normally I would just chalk this up to the 'hurry up and wait' of the Army but I am a little disgruntled at the moment due to the fact that I have been bugging the recruiters since Jan 2019 to start working on my packet. The submittal date for the packet was Sept 24 and I am being told that I should expect my packet to be sent up in April 2020.
Is this a normal time frame fro submitting a packet and if so why did I continually get brushed off until later when all of this stuff could have been started months ago?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
The short answer is yes. Whatever they are asking, yes. AMEDD is very particular but there are also standard commissioning requirements - one of which is a return visit to MEPS and a basic entry commissioning physical. Plan on the timeline taking some time
I’m not familiar with the Army Medical appointment board but I can say the AF board was pretty quick once my packet was submitted and I was commissioned within 3-months and off to COT a month later.
If my memory serves me, my packet had all my medical experience and education, and some but maybe not all of my enlisted service (17-years).
Based on your experiences and time frames, not to mention many Army service members expressing very long wait times for submission and boards....could be normal. I think, and it’s just a thought since I’ve not served Army, I would let it ride to get my packet to the board; however any other delays I’d seek out another recruiter.
Wish you all the best!!!!
If my memory serves me, my packet had all my medical experience and education, and some but maybe not all of my enlisted service (17-years).
Based on your experiences and time frames, not to mention many Army service members expressing very long wait times for submission and boards....could be normal. I think, and it’s just a thought since I’ve not served Army, I would let it ride to get my packet to the board; however any other delays I’d seek out another recruiter.
Wish you all the best!!!!
As far as the time frame goes, it seems about right for my experience. I was being told conflicting and false information for 3 years while I was in veterinary school. I finally was able to start working on my packet in Oct 2018, I went to MEPS in July 2019, and my packet was submitted to the Veterinary Corps board this September. It appears I've been selected but I'm just waiting on my medical waiver to be approved by OTSG (this week is week #8 waiting).
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