Posted on Jun 13, 2016
Is awfulizing the entire Muslim religion responsible for the increase in domestic terrorism in America?
Responses: 46
Anti-Americanism: A Clinical Study
Last summer, with France on his mind, the British historian Paul Johnson graced the pages of Forbes Magazine with this trenchant observation: "Anti-Americanism is racist envy" [1]. Lest anyone miss the point, the best-selling author quickly rephrased it in more accessible language: "France is not a democracy." His novel insight could hardly be dismissed as mere anti-Frenchism for the simple reason that the word does not exist. In fact,...
I never saw a muslim womans face overseas that wasn't isaf. people want to call me a xenophobe for supporting trump and i don't know what to think. i know i didnt know much until having a firsthand experience. those bad guys come from all over to do bad guy stuff too. i know the difference between people and the corrupt people thought sometimes theyre one in the same. theres a wall of censorship that causes a lot of problems.
So, let's see, over the past couple decades, how many mass or individual killings have taken place against Muslims? Islamists? Those that have expressed a willingness to kill Americans, here or abroad?
Now reverse those question Radicals against our residents. And yet we welcome those that work for and achieve citizenship. Not to mention they come in droves to be "awfulized"
Now reverse those question Radicals against our residents. And yet we welcome those that work for and achieve citizenship. Not to mention they come in droves to be "awfulized"
Capt Michael Greene
MCPO Roger Collins - It's historical fact in proper context. Why are jihadists attacking us? Maybe because our CIA and SEALS snatch their citizens off the street around the world, torture and imprison them. Some were totally innocent of anything. Maybe because we put 100,000 Iraqis in prison and displaced 3 million. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Maybe because a lot of civilians are being killed by drones as they go about their daily lives in their own sovereign countries. If I recall correctly, Osama bin Laden killed 3,000 of us on 9/11, and we've been killing Muslims all over the world for 15 years. They're probably pretty pissed.
MCPO Roger Collins
Capt Michael Greene - I understand ISIS is recruiting, they need a replacement for the turn coat propaganda Amerikan.
Capt Michael Greene
MCPO Roger Collins - You asked if there were mass or individual killings against Muslims. I referred to many of them. Instead of seeing there might be two sides to the story, you called me a traitor. If you don't want answers, don't ask a question.
People who want to become radicalized will do so under any pretense. Should all Muslims be awlfulized - No Are they? By some yes, and in today's world the few get unfair media and internet coverage.
But, in the end it is the individual that decides to go off the deep end and provides excuses disguised as reasons on serves to further enable the behavior.
But, in the end it is the individual that decides to go off the deep end and provides excuses disguised as reasons on serves to further enable the behavior.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
People who wan't to be radicalized????? I can see you really dont understand the issue at hand. Good day to you.
Capt (Join to see)
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen - As opposed to people who won't be radicalized?
Sorry making excuses for everything instead of dealing with it is in facc enabling and contributing to the problem.
Sorry making excuses for everything instead of dealing with it is in facc enabling and contributing to the problem.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
The white victim card, nice. Why are you so concerned with the complexion of your skin. I asked nothing about race SSgt Charles Freeman.
SSgt Charles Freeman
Everyone else is. I just thought I would join the crowd. Isn't that the popular thing to do now a days? Seems like you're all over it.
SSgt Charles Freeman
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen - Is there a lag on RP, or did you post this on the response I deleted?
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