Posted on Dec 5, 2019
Is 37 years old too late to try to get an RE-4 discharge upgraded?
Was kicked out of boot when I was 18 with an re4 for pissing hot, I partied 3 days prior to shipping out and put some shit up my nose i shouldn't have. I'm 37, is it too late to try and get this changed. It haunts me every friggin day. My father was a Chief, 22 yrs in the Navy. 3 uncles in Nam, grandfather in Pearlharbor. I have a huge heart for our military. Is there anything I can do or is it too late
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Learn... be better. You don't have to be a servicemember to honor their legacy. You already shut that door in your own face. What you CAN do is aspire to be the kind of human being they would have been proud to have served to protect.
It's not too late; however, because you can't prove that you didn't do the things they kicked you out for, it will not be upgraded. In order for the upgrade/change to happen, you would have to show that they were wrong, and that you have changed since then.
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