Posted on May 28, 2015
In today's digital society can monogamy have a place?
Ok, I have been through a failed marriage and have seen many, many others fail while serving as a paralegal (generally everyone's legal expert even if you don't want to be). I have also been approached by women in the PX that are clearly married, flirting and even asking me out. I never did anything while married and never would on someone I am dating. Nor would I with someone that I knew was. However, is this a thing now? Is monogamy truly dead and did the Internet help it? With the wide variety of options out there for cheaters and or spouses just looking.
What is your spiritual, ethical, moral, and whatever view on monogamy?
If you and your significant other are happy how did you truly get past the 'wild world wide web' that people are blaming for their need to break from monogamy?
Finally, do you think an open relationship can work?
What is your spiritual, ethical, moral, and whatever view on monogamy?
If you and your significant other are happy how did you truly get past the 'wild world wide web' that people are blaming for their need to break from monogamy?
Finally, do you think an open relationship can work?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 10
People who are intent on cheating on a spouse is going to find a way to cheat regardless of the internet. It may have made the choices and methods more varied, but the internet doesn't "cause" it.
SSG Richard Reilly
I guess the thought came from, if you have a drug addict that is at a table and you place his favorite drug in front of him. Would it cause him to use it?
The over view could be does a spoon make you fat?
The over view could be does a spoon make you fat?
I met my wife of 10 years (and counting) using social media and digital communication, and we are both 100% committed to a lasting monogamous relationship.
The internet is like any other tool: there's more than one way to use it, and not all uses are right or safe.
The internet is like any other tool: there's more than one way to use it, and not all uses are right or safe.
SSG Richard Reilly
It is sad when people start congratulating you on 10 years of marriage. It use to be marriage was for ever. However, Congrats.
I think monogamy works for most couples still. Though that I guess would depend if you consider looking at porn cheating. Personally I can't think of a single couple that I know that are not monogamous.
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