Posted on May 6, 2018
Im currently in AIT right now, I was wondering where most 12N’s end up getting stationed?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 18
I just graduated fort leonardwood 12N school and most of the guys went to korea , fort stewart, fort lewis, and fort hood
I would guess, and it is only a guess, maybe a place that is being developed for new building construction, maybe Korea, maybe Southwest Asia. Another possibility maybe be site remediation anywhere in the world. But, what I am really stuck by, whether you serve one enlistment or decide on making the military a career it seems you have chosen an MOS that will serve you well once you return to civilian live. I have a friend that a D6 Cat in the Army. He now owns a two man business and concentrates his effort on government contracts and has done quite well.
SPC (Join to see)
Yes that’s what my plan is, when I get out I’ll either work and ambe a equipment operator or potentially have my own business
PVT Mark Brown
SPC (Join to see) Good thinking! I do know a couple veterans that own a machine, making sure it is a machine with a lot of work available in your home area.
I know you’re probably at your duty station but I just hope you aren’t in the 62nd eng battalion ..been here 3 years and by far one of the most toxic leadership environments I’ve even been in my was so bad I was considering leaving the army but decided to reclass and get as far a way from the engineer world as possible
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