Posted on Nov 14, 2023
SPC Fire Control Specialist
So I get out of the Army Dec. 26th but I begin ETS leave on November 30th. My roommate has been complaining to the barracks manager non-stop about dirty dishes left by me when I've only left 2-3 dirty plates at a time in the sink.

Anyway, the BM is going to inspect my room at 0530 every for a week to make sure it's straight. if i throw a padlock on my closet door because i don't feel like cleaning up my closet, can he force me to open it? lol
Posted in these groups: Vc iwcc w415 Barracks93df41c6 Inspections
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Responses: 51
GySgt Kenneth Pepper
Suggestion: got to the Commissary and buy a cheap 100 pack of paper plates. Throw them away after each use. Problem solved for $3.00.
Sgt Joseph Avary
Sgt Joseph Avary
1 y
Well said Gunny!
SSG Elbert Thomas
SSG Elbert Thomas
7 mo
Well, I do that now, and I been retired since 1990. Plastic fork and spoons, and paper plates. I have the real things when we have people over.
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CSM Scott Campbell
SPC Butler, The Barracks NCO might not be able to have you open your "locked" wall locker, but the Company Commander can. You have two weeks left. Like CSM ZaGara said, just get with the program and get your room squared away.

Back in the late 80s/90s if a Soldier had a problem keeping room clean that Soldier would be sleeping outside in their pup tent really.
1SG James Kelly
1SG James Kelly
11 mo
SGT Joseph Dutton - In the barracks?
LCpl Steve Smith
LCpl Steve Smith
11 mo
They practiced the same disciplinary action in the USMC back in the early 90s when I was with 3/5 Shelter Halves on the side of the camps main road with a sign stating " I/We failed Field Day Inspections" lol.
SGT Jim Wolfe
SGT Jim Wolfe
6 mo
SGT Joseph Dutton - Is this something that came about this millennium? I was in from 91-00 and if an NCO or the CO told you to do something, you did with no questions asked and if you refused, there would be an Article 15 waiting for you!
COL Brian Shea
COL Brian Shea
4 mo
SGT Joseph Dutton - That's a bit backwards. When a possible crime is involved the MP's will ask the CC for permission to search based on probable cause. So it is the CC who can authorize the MP's to search. In this instance it would be a stretch to identify a UCMJ violation. This is more of a Health & Welfare thing. Yes, the CC can authorize inspections but they are usually more general in nature, not focused on one Soldier. Especially if the only "evidence" is a complaint from a roommate, which brings their personal relationship in to question. The Barracks NCO has no authority to search and I doubt the CC would approve even a daily "Inspection" of just one Soldier. To do so invites an IG complaint. Particularly for an SM close to ETS. The issue seems to be dirty dishes in a sink, a common area, as opposed to a messy closet/wall locker. So I doubt the troop has to worry about being ordered to unlock a personal storage area. Heck, when our daughter was at USMA they had AM and PM inspections only of certain areas in their room, so she just routinely moved her mess to the area not being inspected at the time.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
There is a Garrison and command policy letter, or the like that dictates verying processes within the barracks.

Bottom line, why subject yourself to such scrutiny when all you need to do is clean up your area.

Read your note here and ask yourself what that sounds like, and how it is interpretered.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) Sgt. Tracy said it, don't invite trouble. Ets'ing can be made hell if you buck the system. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose-just clean and stand by for inspection. Let it go.
SFC Mark Riedel
SFC Mark Riedel
>1 y
Has critical thinking become a thing of the past? I read these questions every once in while and am astonished. Senior NCO's, I am glad you are on here because your duty shall never end, you may be out of uniform but since the Army apparently no longer teaches these basic duties, or how to find answers a soldier needs they come to post it here and make it public knowledge of just how incapable our woke Army has become. Please somebody prove me wrong. Unless you plan on living alone the rest of your life SOMEBODY will most likely ask you to do your dishes at some point in time.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
>1 y
SFC Mark Riedel interesting perspective.
SGT Jim Wolfe
SGT Jim Wolfe
6 mo
SFC Mark Riedel - Like you, I read these questions every once in a while and I can't believe the questions that soldiers are asking! I was in from 91-00 and during that time (and prior) if an NCO/officer told you to do something, YOU FREAKIN' DID IT!!! No questions asked! If you didn't, I assure you that there would be an Article 15 in your very near future!!! These "woke" policies are sickening!! During COVID, soldiers were refusing to take the COVID vaccine and the command didn't know what to do about it. You are property of the United States military, you don't get a say about things. If they tell you to get a certain shot, you get the damn shot or there would be an Article 15 waiting for you. Today's military is a joke! Toward the end of my enlistment, Basic Training units were using "stress cards." You put your thumb on this card and if it turned black, you were too stressed out and the Drill Sergeants had to leave you alone! I couldn't believe it!! If you get deployed and the enemy is shooting at you, what are they going to do then? Hold up their stress card and say, "excuse me Mr. Bad Guy, but I'm stressed out, so you have to stop shooting at me?" With training like that, if one of these kids became a POW, they would break the first time they got punched!!!
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