If more white people was killed by police than African Americans why are they protesting?
Only 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and only 2 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris) resulted in convictions of officers involved. Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends. Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, was sentenced May 31." All information was provided by http://mappingpoliceviolence.org/
One can word the statistic in a way to suit one's argument. In fact it was done fairly well here.
The final word is why are people being killed? Try to take a officer's weapon and you will very probably fail and may well die in the process. If I am trying to take the officer's weapon and I die in the process, am I considered unarmed?
If I am fighting and am large enough to prevail (or are prevailing) and I get shot am I an innocent unarmed person?
If I am injured or killed by the police while I am resisting arrest and presenting a viable threat to my self or others, is my death because I am (white, black, red, yellow, or anything else) or because I am being non compliant and showing my self to be dangerous?
When you factor all that in I believe you will find that police are more likely to want to avoid a confrontation altogether but more likely to shoot if they feel threatened seeing as groups like BLM and NBPP have declared open season on the police. Seems to me to be a self inflicted wound. The black community would do better to focus their energy on building their communities rather than tearing them down. And they would do well to get rid of this crazy notion that all their problems were caused by others and that it is the gov't's responsibility to fix everything for them and provide for all their needs.
Cop Assaulted by ex-con in front of daughter.
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Mob Attacks Kalamazoo Police Officer
A mob attacks Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety Officer Anthony Morgan destroying his police cruiser in the process.
Caught On Dash Cam Man Fights Cops Steals Police Car Then Crashs
.SUMMERVILLE, SC (WCSC) - Dash cam video released Thursday from a stolen Summerville, South Carolina police cruiser shows a suspect fighting a police officer...
The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive
The Guardian has been counting the people killed by US law enforcement agencies since 2015. Read their stories and contribute to our ongoing, crowdsourced project
Only someone who is either intellectually dishonest, or someone who lacks intelligence, would think that "unarmed" (meaning "no firearm") equates to "harmless" or "not a danger."
*Most* whites that do protest, do so without looting, burning, destroying, blocking traffic, or threatening an entire community (all of which are illegal). *Most* whites that protest do so by appearing at city (town hall) meetings, writing op-ed pieces for the local newspapers, calling their city government - in general, doing things in a legal manner - in ways that historically bring about changes without bringing degrading views about our efforts to effect change.
There is also the fact that if whites organized groups and called them things like "white lives matter", they'd be viewed as even more racist than they're already accused of being, merely because of the color of their skin.
Okay - I'm done with this thread.
As a veteran, if I killed an unarmed person, the situation would be the same as if I'd killed an armed person - same questions asked, same requirements present: an "unarmed" person can kill and destroy, too. In fact, the majority of violent crimes (including murder), are committed by "unarmed" people. And, no - I wouldn't face a court martial. I'm a veteran, I'm not active duty. I'm retired from the military... the only way that a military court martial would even enter the picture would be if I committed said crime on a military installation - and, even then, I'd be looking at a Federal court rather than a military tribunal.
"During the protests that are going on, there are no looting..."
Stop. For you to make the claim that there are "no" instances of looting demonstrates (as I predicted) a lack of intellectual honesty. It's not happening everywhere, but it is happening.
"...white people are in fact part of the protest."
Are you having problems with the definition of "most"?
"Black people have been writing articles and participating in town hall meetings for years."
And the smart ones still are. There have been changes for the better, with the exception of the last 7 years or so, for the past five decades.
" And other part of the post make no sense. Do to the fact that the system that is being protested against was created by white people for the benefit of white people."
*Due to the fact that the system that was developed was for *all* our citizens (despite the fact that some folks are elected into office who aim to keep groups of people dependent on the government and unable / lulled into being unwilling to take charge of their own lives). Any intelligent person realizes or comes to understand that divisive tactics and policies are destructive to the population as a whole, not to just the smaller percentage that are being demonized.
You said that it doesn't make sense that I said if there was a group called "white lives matter" it would be called racist? You disagree? Or you can't understand? (Imagine a "Congressional White Caucus" ... would you be outraged? Would you say there's some prejudice happening? Would you say that the members are putting race in front of country? If you're intellectually honest, you would...and, then you'd understand that substituting "black" for "white" in those instances does not remove the racist and divisive content and self-segregation.)
By accepting the phrase "gun violence", you're providing validation to the "gun grabbers" ... the gun is an inanimate object. Motive and action are both provided by an individual, a person.
Cop in the Hood: Police kill white people, too
I am sure that police kill whites but how many innocent whites have they killed and gotten away with that is the real question.