Posted on Jul 29, 2018
PVT Motor Transport Operator
Would I get medically discharged or would they just change my ship date? Or as a third option would they ship me anyway and keep me as a medical holdover until I’m healed? I’m in the National Guard so DEPing out is not an option when trying to change your ship date.
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Responses: 9
SFC Ralph E Kelley
Edited >1 y ago
Look - You haven't even reported to BCT.
They're not going to hold you over on active duty just so you can accumulate 180 days.
If they determine you injured yourself (MDs can do that - that's why they have earned Doctorates of Medicine) then you could be charged with attempting fraudulent enlistment (felony), intent to avoid movement (attempted desertion) and self-injury. Then because you're on this public website its all premeditated.
Tread carefully.
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Ralph E Kelley I agree with the tread carefully, which she has not been doing.
TSgt Logistics Plans
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Unless you’re already at meps for the second time they can’t do shit to get in trouble. Even after going to meps and swearing in you still can refuse to go to basic
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
>1 y
TSgt (Join to see) - I believe she has been to MEPS (earlier posts) and is at her Guard Unit awaiting school. This is the one that changed her profile name from Brianna Tyrone to Selina Smith.
CSM Thomas McGarry
CSM Thomas McGarry
>1 y
Kind of makes you wonder, what ever happened to things like selfless service to Country and going through with the contract this person has obviously signed. Probably best if they never do ship as I'm sure if they some how made it through BCT and were a drilling soldier that they would end up being AWOL or a problem child if their Unit was ever activated and deployed, believe me I've seen it! So much for the "me too" generation!!!
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COL Division Surgeon
This is COL Coldwell, I am the State Surgeon for the TXARNG. I do not want you shipping to BCT if injured. I am concerned about the comments below suggesting you have change your profile name and this might have been a deliberate act. If this was deliberate, action will be taken.

Notify your chain of command and your recruiter immediately, if you have not already done so.
TSgt Logistics Plans
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
No action can be taken if they haven’t been to bct. Still a civilian. Nice scare tactics though
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
If you're in the Guard they should be able to just reschedule your Basic. Reserves and Guard can't go to training and sit forever on an Active status. You will just continue to drill until you heal.
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