Posted on Oct 29, 2017
If I have submitted a warrant officer packet and then I submit an SFAB packet, does one trump the other?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Special Forces do not recruit Warrants. They send them to WOCS internally. Once you are a Warrant, SFAS will not accept your application. The SFAB on the other hand will be looking for Warrants with experience. So, I'd go to WOCS, get some time in a regular Army unit under your belt, prove you can be a Warrant in the regular Army, then apply for the SFAB.
SSG (Join to see)
Thank you sir,
Let me clarify a little bit more I have already submitted a packet for this upcoming November board so I'm not sure of the results yet but I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to further my Enlisted career if for some reason I don't get accepted into WOCS. So my question is more geared towards if I get accepted into SFAB and have a school date and then my warrant officer packet gets accepted will the WOCS trump the SFAB school date?
Let me clarify a little bit more I have already submitted a packet for this upcoming November board so I'm not sure of the results yet but I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to further my Enlisted career if for some reason I don't get accepted into WOCS. So my question is more geared towards if I get accepted into SFAB and have a school date and then my warrant officer packet gets accepted will the WOCS trump the SFAB school date?
CW2 (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - There's nothing wrong with having options but you may want to think about this. Just because you may get accepted into an SFAB does not put you in any better a position for promotion. You can pull your WOCS class date by declining to go but that will not look good for future looks should you want to apply again. If the board sees your packet as worthy of issuing a class date, take it. Those SFABs will be there years down the road. A chance to go Warrant will not. Moreover, if you're having second thoughts of going to WOCS you need not go. It's a career move that takes a lot of your personal time. Indecisiveness is not an attractive quality in a Warrant Officer. IMHO.
SSG (Join to see)
Yes sir, I completely understand what you are saying. I rather be a Warrant Officer I think I will be better suited as an expert in my field. I would never turn that opportunity down I just want to have a back up in case. Thank you for your help.
Scott, I am not Warrant expert by any means but SF gets their Warrants from SF. They are already experienced SF guys. Great program if you can get in it.
Neither of them "trumps" the other. They will both be addressed by different boards. What you will run into is a time problem. One may come out before the other one. So...technically...whichever one comes out first is going to get you. Now, if you get selected for the SFAB and then get selected for WOC, you can still go to WOC. The SFAB can't stop you because it's a HQDA/HRC directed move. If you get selected for WOC first though, you won't have a choice. You're going. You can always turn it down, but meh...not sure you want to do that.
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