Posted on Dec 12, 2015
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Posted in these groups: Elections logo Elections61c89c28 Donald Trump
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Responses: 147
Capt Richard I P.
I already resigned once. Though I guess I could resign my reserve commission. I would have to think hard on it.
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SSG Eddye Royal
Maj Bryan Zeski, Sir, the Honor comes from within you; and and each man and woman will have have to look at their up bringing and their SERVICE and LIFE GOALS, and UNIT MISSION, to see if it still compatible at that time of the election. When I was serving, I choose to look at the long term not short, and challaged my team(s) to be the same, or you lost site of of the mission and that's critical. PRISIDENT is 1 8 year or 2 - 8 year team but this is a Career.
1SG Vet Technician
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
Technically true, but the political reality is that we can generally expect at president to serve 2 terms. The last 1 term was Daddy Bush, if I recall right..and that was done in 1993
SSG Eddye Royal
SSG Eddye Royal
9 y
SSG John Thronton, you are so correct one 1 term, but the Bush had 2.
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Capt Retired
Perhaps , if you feel that is a legitimate question, you should leave now.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
Capt (Join to see) I don't think that entertaining a rhetorical and thought provoking question is a reason to resign, but I appreciate the recommendation.
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
9 y
We will disagree. The question indicated that one might not be able to follow a president. I don't see that as an consideration an officer should entertain.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
Capt (Join to see) - If given the choice between following an evil leader - not saying that Trump or anyone else IS one, just hypothetically - by staying in, or NOT following that leader by choosing to leave service - that IS a choice. And its a choice I think everyone has to consider at every point in their career - "Is this organization doing the right thing? Am I within my conscience to continue serving this organization?"

Didn't most everyone say the same thing about that Clerk in Kentucky? If she didn't like the leadership (or new requirements of her job) and wasn't willing to do them, she should quit her job - THAT was the honorable thing to do. This is the same thing on a higher level.
SSG Eddye Royal
SSG Eddye Royal
9 y
CPT Don Porter, and to others, Hewlett Packard, and the others handle the backoffice with does the Cyber Security for the NETWORK for THESE LARGE MEGA FIRMS, so if the PEOPLE THAT ARE on the STAGE GIVING SPEECHES are not clear on what they know to be truth, then they can give a false safety net to the AMERICAN PUBLIC.

The FDIC is a Company, not the insurance that protects the people(s) monies. I should, I have to into the BANKOF AMERICA, because it is one of HEWLETT PACKARDS Clients, but you didn't hear the FORMER CEO, say ANYTHING about that YESTERDAY. Since the 2008 and CRISIS, the BANKS know EXACTLY where each person works and if there is another GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN, that is LONGER then 90 days, there is now a process in plan that goes to ALL CLIENTS that can start forclosure of property's.. I spoke to the BOFA VP on my LINKEDIN ACCOUNT, even the ones at the HOME OFFICE. I hope You have done the same.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Wow! that is the question dejour. To be Honest I really don't think Trump is really as Fascist as he sounds. Just blowing the Right Dog Whistles that he knows Republicans like. He's a Salesman and He is Selling a Product and will say anything that he thinks will work. Also I have noticed that no matter what their "Platform" is before they are elected, all generally move to the Center once elected since that is where most of us really exist. I would say hang around and see and if he turns out to be the Full Fledged Fascist that he pretends to be. Resign your Commission then.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I've noticed that also. My On-line Friends Overseas all think he is the Best US President Ever.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I take it you prefer a "Rockstar" as a president versus a leader. Nice.........I'm not referring to our president as far as "popularity" outside our borders. Our enemies must laugh at how we are weakened as a nation.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Lynette Streitfield - I think our enemies laugh more about how we can be stupid enough to let a total asshole like Trump get as far as he did. They (our enemies) certainly want Trump to win, I can tell you that, believe me, people are saying', etc.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Lynette Streitfield - Trump is no leader. He's a racist, fascist, misogynist narcissist who wants only to stroke his own ego and reduce his own tax bill.
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MSG Darold R.
I served under Trump and thank God every day I never had to serve under Biden!
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CSM Felipe Mendez
Sir, your question brought me to think about all the bad Commander/Leaders that I served under. Even though I did not agree/like them, I fully support them and gave them my 110% support. You opening a can of worms here. Soldiers cannot quit because they do not like their leader/commander, PLT Leader etc. I had the opportunity to serve under few presidents during my 31 years of military service and yes, some were good, others not, but they were my commander in chief and my loyalty was to the military and my country. Bringing this type of question make me think that you are disgusted with the military and you are looking for a reason to call it a quit. I would tell you, thanks you for your great service and support to this great nation, but if this makes you think about resigning the best you can do for your soldiers, unit and the military is to turn in your military ID card into the nearest military facility and join the civilian work force in which “he” trump would still be the president of the United States.
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LTC Paul Labrador
How about be apolitical and do your job.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
LTC Paul Labrador Sir, while that is generally the accepted "thing to do," doesn't there come a point where "doing your job" without looking at what you are being asked to do ventures into the lane of being ethically or morally wrong?

Especially in light of recent statements, if the President of the United States begins directing the torture of non-combatant families and civilians, it would be illegal for Officers in the military to push those orders down to their subordinates. That would put the Officers in the position of disobeying orders from higher, or from executing illegal orders. Given that, at some point, it becomes incumbent upon the individual officer as to at which point continued service to a corrupt, immoral, or illegal leadership is still honorable.

It's very nice to give lip service to "be apolitical and do your job," but sometimes it just isn't that black and white. The military is absolutely a tool of politics.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - speaking of tools. Perhaps you ought to pursue another gig. Your whole demeanor is illustrative of what's broken in our military.
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Capt Walter Miller
Well, someone insulted me then blocked me, not a big surprise.

MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
"Fire and forget."
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MSgt K C
I swore an oath and remained professional regardless of who was in the Whitehouse. If you can't serve honorably because you don't agree with the CINC then I say get the hell out. You're even asking the question shows you have a complete lack of principal.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
It wasn't about whether I would be able to serve honorably - the question was about whether it would still be honorable to serve a dishonorable leader.
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MSgt Operations Intelligence
I took an oath and part of that oath was " obey the orders of the President of the United States and those officer appointed over me....." I have always followed the orders given to me, even if I disagreed. And I never let my Airman, Soldiers, Sailors, or Marines under my charge know if I agree or disagree. If at any time a person feels like they can not obey the order, then they should leave the service immediately.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
MSgt (Join to see) In light of Candidate Trump's recent comments regarding torture of non-combatant family members - would you "obey the order" to torture non-combatant civilians if it came from your Commander? Or even from your Command in Chief?
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