Posted on Dec 12, 2015
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Posted in these groups: Elections logo Elections61c89c28 Donald Trump
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CW4 Glen Nardin
Edited 9 y ago
Some believe that the president or the SITREP dictates if and how much we will serve. It's never been the case. I remember an Army sergeant telling me in the 90s that even though he was chosen to guard the president, he "would not take a bullet for him." That's just trash talk, that's all it is. I knew by talking to him for two minutes that he really would "take a bullet" for anyone because if his mission required it, he was was there to be "the one."

So why do military folks say stuff like that? They are blowing off the steam of frustrations, laughing at danger or looking for a reason to get out the service. Pretty much, those three things cover it. You can spend two minutes with anyone and detect where they fall under those reasons. If they are looking to get out, I frankly would encourage them to do so. I used to always council my unit members at "re-up time" to prepare both to get out and to stay in. I would also say that you never know how long you have to serve in the military and you have the opportunity to prepare for civilian life by getting college under your belt or other prep. If the soldier had (or thought he/she had) potential to ascend the ranks, then I would encourage them to apply for the right military courses and request reassignment to the jobs that would help them get there.

Politicians and political decisions are always going to be potentially volatile to the military and we just cannot waste our time worrying about the next election or the next decision. Not our job!
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SGT(P) Squad Leader
A President for all intent and purposes is a spokesman. A figurehead. A president is only as strong as the advisers and cabinet that he puts in when elected. The President doesn't have enough time in his day to read up on everything. He gets briefed. Yes, in a lot of cases he may have the final say, but it's the people who make the laws put before him. Not to mention Congress and the Senate need to sign off on the other half. It takes a Platoon to take a hill. A Platoon leader isn't going to take it on his own. Same goes for the President.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
We need the best in the military.
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SSgt Utilities Chief
No. I swore to protect the Constitution, not a man. At least under Trump I might get to deploy.
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SPC Ed Bullmer
As stated already, you serve the country. If this is even a question for you I'd recommend you leave now because you're a pussy.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
I don't think that having a dialog about the higher level issues concerning when and how a person serves makes them a "pussy."

Everyone should always question why they serve.and what their motivations are. If you're just in it because "America is the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, EVER!" then you're missing the finer points of service.
SPC Ed Bullmer
SPC Ed Bullmer
9 y
If politics is what drives your career then you've obviously "missed the finer points of service"

Grow a set or get out the way for someone who does. Sick of toxic leadership crying about political issues.

Either way, stay safe.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
SPC Ed Bullmer - If your service is driven by values, then the values of the leadership should be relevant to that service.
SPC Ed Bullmer
SPC Ed Bullmer
9 y
Annnnd if your services is driven by values and Trump is against your values but Obama isn't then obviously your values are flawed and I wouldn't want that personal biased opinion on other troops. Why even make it public that you have a policy problem with Trump? When there's been policy problems under our current president.
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TSgt Aaron D.
For me this has nothing to do with my military service, but it has everything to do with my faith in this country's future. I cannot serve a country where I begin to question their morals and standards. Our country is full of hate and racism which has been fueled by our current President and Donald Trump is 10x worse. I have been patriotic my whole life, but this may be the tip of the iceberg that causes me to immigrate to another country. I will never look back and regret the fact that I performed my duties to my country, but I will tell my grandchildren that I was a part of two wars that I didn't believe in and when I came home I had no pride in my fellow countrymen. I know it's silly to follow up an answer with a question, but I will anyways. Does anyone else feel that in the past 5 or so years they have experienced the same things that I have?
SSG Michael Patton
SSG Michael Patton
9 y
My only response to your comment is that, if you truly feel the way you say you do, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
TSgt Aaron D.
TSgt Aaron D.
9 y
SSG Michael Patton - Lol, when my finances are built up and I have a new life in order and I want to leave, then I will not hesitate. Well, I haven't given up hope on the good ole USA just yet. I believe that we can still make a change. Like I said, I've lived a fairly patriotic life and have always have had pride in my country. What I'm saying is that my pride has diminished in our beloved country. Our country has grown unintelligent, racist, disrespectful, more violent, and big headed. Please explain to me how I can be proud of this? I understand there are some positive things to recognize but as with mostly all things, the bad will outshine the good. Sometimes I wonder how people who came home from the Vietnam War felt when hipsters were spitting on them calling them cowards and such. I bet some of these veterans thought about leaving the country as well and some of them may have.
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MCPO Roger Collins
If you are enlisted, that would not be an option, unless things at the DOD has changed since my retiring. As to any Commissioned Officer that would think about resigning due to who is in the White House, good riddance. Most have more dedication to the country and their service than that. Bye Bye.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
Can you imagine no President that you would not choose to serve under? How about the President from "Idiocracy"? Would you still consider your service honorable under him?
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SFC Terry Pease
What you should do is retire. Instead of staying in and infecting those around you with a personal bias. Remember you are defending the Constitution. You do not serve a serve the people. The people are in charge...where you draw the line is your oath of office. My question is this...where is your voice with the current President? That man is trampling all over the Constitution and is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood a known Terrorist Organization. This man sent Mc Cain over to seal a deal with the now terrorist organization ISIS gave them weapons and money to overthrow Assad. So do not lecture this combat vet on what right is or is not. We have a fox in the hen house...and cry behind your desk in some office. I retired after 23 years of service in 2012...3 combat tours...and now two of my 3 sons are in the Infantry possibly going over to kill the very thing this administration created. So should they die on foreign lands killing these guys so be it, however understand who created them and allowed them to exist. RLTW.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
I should be surprised to see someone pull out the "combat vet" card on a strictly military discussion page, but I'm not. I'd venture that MOST of us here are "combat vets" so you gain no credibility for being one.

This isn't a discussion about who ignited ISIS, but it wasn't this administration.

I don't think I lectured anyone on anything. I asked the question and it's very interesting to see how many people would follow someone blindly to the depths without a second thought - no matter who is elected. I admire the loyalty. I despise the lack of personal courage, integrity, and individual thought.

As for my voice with the current President - I'm much more limited in what I can say about current elected officials than I am about possible future ones.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
Obviously there are a ton of people who like them....and it seems to me whether you like the president, it's the office you's the government and your country you support....For the past 8 years, there are millions of people (Military included) who totally dislike Obama, but they have not jumped up and quit just because they don't like him.
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SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Last time I checked I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. I just have one obey lawful orders from the president.
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