Posted on Feb 4, 2015
I was wondering if anyone out here knows of any good resume writing services, sites, or people?
A few months ago I posted a question about good web based Job searching sites. A lot from what I have read was make sure you resume was good, churched up, and even legible. I was wondering if anyone out here knows of any good resume writing services, sites, or people? I can not afford to really pay and I have know idea if the VA has any service like this. I really suck at this resume thing, even with this separation packet I got when I get out. I know they're different types and styles out there. What has worked best?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 1
Be aware there are different agencies, specifically for US Government jobs you need to be careful you get the right ones. A quick Google search will produce many results.
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
Be careful about embellishing the Military "stuff" into civilian tasks. Simply write it under "other schooling and courses" as far as the MOS description, most civilians understand when you write the name of the MOS like Infantry or whatever.
Honestly the Military education and experience does more for you as a weight in your direction as a person who will do what it takes, the skill set is often not so important unless it is an "skilled" MOS.
I can send you an example of a layout that works well if you wish but like I said; there are different styles and layouts for business and Government.
Honestly the Military education and experience does more for you as a weight in your direction as a person who will do what it takes, the skill set is often not so important unless it is an "skilled" MOS.
I can send you an example of a layout that works well if you wish but like I said; there are different styles and layouts for business and Government.
SrA Joshua Hagler
I do know that, and no worries on the embellishing. That is honestly one of my faults, I really don't know how to sell my self in writing. All I did was fix airplanes. With some support equipment and tool maintenance experience, I do not have much military education, I think, as well as college education. I have to work full time and online schools are not for me.
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
I will send you a few ideas and then you can send back and I will review for you.
SSgt Donnavon Smith
Joshua, I am in IT now but long ago I was a 7 level electrician. here is the blurb I use for my jet fixing time. it may or may not help, but use/modify what you can.
United States Air Force May 1994 to June 2001
First Line Supervisor/Trainer
Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems Craftsman
Staff Sergeant - Honorably Discharged
Directly supervised and coordinated the activities of eight mechanics, installers and repairers
• Compiled operational and personnel records, such as, maintenance statistics and test results.
• Counseled employees on work-related issues and assisted employees to correct job-skill deficiencies; Conducted and arranged for worker training in safety, repair, maintenance techniques, operational procedures, or equipment use.
Seven years experience in electrical, electronic and mechanical systems/subsystems on military aircraft.
United States Air Force May 1994 to June 2001
First Line Supervisor/Trainer
Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems Craftsman
Staff Sergeant - Honorably Discharged
Directly supervised and coordinated the activities of eight mechanics, installers and repairers
• Compiled operational and personnel records, such as, maintenance statistics and test results.
• Counseled employees on work-related issues and assisted employees to correct job-skill deficiencies; Conducted and arranged for worker training in safety, repair, maintenance techniques, operational procedures, or equipment use.
Seven years experience in electrical, electronic and mechanical systems/subsystems on military aircraft.
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