Posted on May 3, 2021
SPC Mortarman
I'm currently a Specialist, married with a kid and another one on the way. During my time at airborne school (July, 2020) my wife was diagnosed with a chronic illness, and it has been a huge adjustment for us all. I want to know what daily life is like for both paths and how much time I'll have to take care of my family, or if it's a full immersion training with little to no contact with family. I have my bachelor's degree and 135 GT score. I'm currently infantry but wish to change that with going officer.
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Responses: 12
CPT Lawrence Cable
Green to Gold is basically an ROTC program and you don't need it. OCS is an Option, but it's a full time resident course, but it's only 90 days. Be aware that for Active Duty OCS Officers, they let you make a wish list for Branch, but it's needs of the Army. The Basics Courses are better, depending on your Branch. I Branched Infantry when I commissioned and what was then IOBC was extremely busy, plus we lived in the woods on FTX about 1/3 of the Time. If you are wanting to know if you will have more time off as an Officer than as Enlisted, the answer is no.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
In your military career there will be many periods of time where you will have little to no contact with your family. Every school, field problem, JRTC rotation, and deployment is going to take you away from your family whether or not you're enlisted or an officer. But it also provides outstanding medical coverage that you won't find easily or cheaply as a civilian, so that's the tradeoff.

You don't get to choose your branch when you commission. It doesn't really have any effect on your time once you're past your PL time. Whatever branch you are - XO, Company Commander, and Staff time look very similar in all different types of units.

You'll get the most off time as a junior enlisted Soldier. It might look like your Senior leaders aren't working hard, but they're fixing everyone else's problems before you wake up in the morning and after you've fallen asleep on the weekends. After all, who do you think it is that is getting the call about a drunk Soldier at 3 am on a Saturday morning because of a DUI or a domestic violence? The same people who get yelled at because they have to track if you're current on your MEDPROS, PRR, SGLI, DD93, Dental, ACFT, APFT, Ht/Wt, Weapons Qual, NCOERs, Awards, MEC, and all the other things the Army tracks.
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CPT Cadre
OCS will be shorter. 12 weeks and you’re done. After that you have your follow on Basic Officer course, but if it’s not Infantry it shouldn’t be too bad. Just make sure to let your OCS cadre know about your family situation. One of my candidates (prior E-7) had a similar situation and we allowed him to go home every weekend. It will vary but we did make attempts to help when candidates had exceptional issues. Now, OCS is a TDY school if you’re in-service so you family will not be able to move down here unless you want to pay out of pocket, but even then you would have to go back to your previous unit and PCS from there. But if you’re looking at it from, what’s the quickest route, then OCS will be your best bet.
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I want to become an officer. Should I go Green to Gold or drop a packet for OCS?
LTC Program Manager
If you can get green to gold active duty option, that's the way to go. With the family it would be a hardship for you to do the traditional ROTC path while working on a masters but not impossible.

Apply for both
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MAJ C Co E Liaison Officer To I Cdid
If you already have a degree you don’t qualify for Green to Gold. That program is for people to complete a Bachelor’s degree. Additionally, you will be stuck at Fort Benning in a controlled environment for OCS and have no ability to spend time with your family during training. If you can get assistance for 3-4 months, go to OCS.
CPT Student, Cyber Operations Operations Course
MAJ C Co E Liaison Officer To I Cdid
MAJ (Join to see)
4 y
CPT (Join to see) I’m not sure about the screenshot you sent, but it clearly says that the program provides an opportunity to complete a Bachelor’s degree. The guy asking the question already has one, so he can’t go Green to Gold. He has to go to OCS.
CPT Student, Cyber Operations Operations Course
CPT (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ (Join to see) Sir it also states “or their first two year graduate degree.”
MAJ C Co E Liaison Officer To I Cdid
MAJ (Join to see)
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SSG (P) Malakas Vingua That sounds great! I guess that option is new since I went to OCS in 2008.
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MAJ Engineer Officer
Green to gold can get you a masters degree for free and you will get an easy two years at home with the family. When I was rotc it was pt 3 days a week and 1 afternoon of lab- field stuff and 1 FTX a semester. You’ll go to camp for 1 month between year 3/4. (You will start at year 3).

This route you’ll never have to worry about another masters unless you want to. A masters is a must have for LTC.

If you want to commission because officers have it easy or make more money ask your company XO how easy life is.
SPC Mortarman
SPC (Join to see)
4 y
Can’t imagine managing that many of us Joes easily sir! I just need more managerial work and more resources to take care of the family. I’m an academic at heart, so this enlisted infantry gig is not so much in my nature.
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LTC Eugene Chu
Others on this thread already mentioned about G2G and OCS. Two additional caveats to consider when you compare options...

1. G2G requires academic school admission along with Army approval (as others mentioned, you have to get a master / graduate degree since you already have bachelor / undergraduate)
2. G2G active duty option exists to keep pay and benefits, but school tuition is on the cadet. Ask ROTC recruiting officer for details of how to pay (e.g. TA, GI Bill, etc.)
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LTC Orlando Illi
OCS - but then I may be a little buasesy
LTC Orlando Illi
LTC Orlando Illi
>1 y
I meant biased
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MAJ Roland McDonald
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1LT Digital Strategy
If you already have a degree is does not make much sense to go green to gold unless you want to get another degree.
SPC Mortarman
SPC (Join to see)
4 y
I do want my Masters in I/O Psychology, sir.
1LT Digital Strategy
1LT (Join to see)
4 y
SPC (Join to see) That being said, Green to Gold may be a good option. You can do ROTC in 2 years and I have heard of people getting Active Duty pay after you contract with ROTC. It will take longer but you may have more benefits going that route and an easier lifestyle through your advanced education.
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