Posted on Nov 23, 2015
I thought extortion was illegal? Asking for millions or a lawsuit will happen.
Responses: 7
You see, in order to sue for damages, you need to be in fact, damaged. If anything, this family has profited from this fiasco with offers of scholarships and whatnot.
Now that they are safely ensconced in Qatar, they are trying to win the lottery, too.
Have a nice life, guys.
Now that they are safely ensconced in Qatar, they are trying to win the lottery, too.
Have a nice life, guys.
1SG (Join to see)
PO2 Mark Saffell At issue is the allegation that the school forced the kid to sign a confession that he brought a hoax bomb to school under threat of expulsion.
If true, that isn't right on the part of the school to do without a parent and/or attorney present.
It doesn't smell true, though.
If true, that isn't right on the part of the school to do without a parent and/or attorney present.
It doesn't smell true, though.
PO2 Mark Saffell
I agree if its true but not to a 15 million dollar amount. Makes a person wonder if they staged this on purpose to do a lawsuit.
1SG (Join to see)
PO2 Mark Saffell, "dad" in this case is a former Presidential candidate in Sudan. This smells very strongly of a publicity stunt.
This has been politically contrived since the beginning and is showing it's true colors!
the school system asked to be jacked with, they really didnt think that whole thing through. that being said, I think sueing for millions in nearly any lawsuit is greedy unless someone is seriously injured or a vast amount of property was destroyed.
PO2 Mark Saffell
I find that way more unlikely. Im not saying that doesnt happen but to hold this kid to find out what he had cant be compared to your question. That is a question to deflect. Comparing shooting my kid to holding a kid to check out what he brought to school isnt even in the same state.
LCpl Mark Lefler
PO2 Mark Saffell - they didnt just "check it out" they suspended him and declared he had a bomb without even asking. they didn't think it through, they reacted without first obtaining facts in a calm adult manner, thats where the problem laid. if they had called him into the office and him to show it to them and explain how it works, it would never have made the news.
PO2 Mark Saffell
His dad is a former presidential candidate od Sudan so I cant help but wonder if it was staged.
Why Not. Rule of thumb Suit and Counter Suit. It will drag out in the Courts for Several Years and be settled for a Fraction. The Lawyers fees will take 40-75%. More Power to the Kid! Might get enough to pay his College (Although I think I heard several Organization have already volunteered to Pony Up) Might get him his First House. He Was Wronged and I think he is perfectly right to sue the Crap out of them.
right or wrong what happened 15 million dollars for what? There is no way that cost the boy a hundredth of that. That is what needed to be fixed with our court system because there is a chance that he may win that amount of money.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
That's a starting point of negotiation, not the amount he will receive. Think of it like an upper limit. Likelihood of settlement MUCH lower. It won't go to court, and even if it does, we would be looking at a 2/3 payout at most.
Without seeing the actual letters, we can't say one way or the other. They may actually be "legalese" enough to bypass extortion.
Keep in mind, everyone has the Right to Seek Redress. As this is a Civil Matter, that means putting a Monetary Figure on those damages, aka how much money is it worth. How else are they supposed to do that except to put it in plain language in a letter?
I know it strikes of extortion, but if someone wrongs you, and you want them to make it right, you have to outline how. In this case, a heartfelt apology isn't going to cut it. If someone slapped cuffs on my son, questioned him without parental consent or oversight (or representation), the way to fix that is to go after the people who did it. Unfortunately, you can't go after the Individuals. They are shielded by the Municipality and the School District, so.... the Tax Payer ends up feeling the brunt, which in turn creates a trickle down effect.
Keep in mind, everyone has the Right to Seek Redress. As this is a Civil Matter, that means putting a Monetary Figure on those damages, aka how much money is it worth. How else are they supposed to do that except to put it in plain language in a letter?
I know it strikes of extortion, but if someone wrongs you, and you want them to make it right, you have to outline how. In this case, a heartfelt apology isn't going to cut it. If someone slapped cuffs on my son, questioned him without parental consent or oversight (or representation), the way to fix that is to go after the people who did it. Unfortunately, you can't go after the Individuals. They are shielded by the Municipality and the School District, so.... the Tax Payer ends up feeling the brunt, which in turn creates a trickle down effect.
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