Posted on Feb 21, 2018
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen
Posted in these groups: Jon Jobs003c1052 9b20 4655 a648 b8c3876d2906 Graduate SchoolImages 4 Fair Pay
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Responses: 8
CW5 Sam R. Baker
Edited >1 y ago
It makes you a good citizen and service member regardless. There is always something else, more schooling if you truly enjoyed class, more Professional Military Education and then job/position opportunities. The fact that you did your CIVED simultaneously while serving is admirable and definitely rewarding. I would like to go back to school for a MBA program, think a PhD is way to far of a stretch, but I like school and growing.

What do you want to do?
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen
>1 y
Well said CW Baker! My degree is in management and I do enjoy the work. I like the scheduling, the planning, I love problem solving! But I feel undervalued at my current position and don't see a way to get where I want to go without leaving. There in lies the conflict; I don't want to leave because I work for such a great company.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
>1 y
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen - You may just need a discussion with a super to see what you can do to lead up, as you know from being in the service previously, there are ways to lead and solve issues that are not directly in your scope of influence, usually they cause or create some sort of recognition that can lead to better opportunities with in the organization to which you enjoy. It would be crazy for a organization to not recognize and capitalize on such talents. However, that being said, it does happen time to time where leaders either take credit or are threatened by creativity and talent. I hope that you work for the right person!
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MAJ Ken Landgren
I joined the Army for OCS.
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen
>1 y
I think the Active Duty part of my life is over. This is not a bad option, of course! My co-worker did the same thing.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited >1 y ago
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen When I was discharged, I had a goal of working while I went to school, and then going to work for the Space Program. I went to work at a chemical plant while I worked on my degree. Five and a half years later, I had my degree, and started a 33 year career on the Space Shuttle Program. My career was stressful, especially after we lost Space Shuttles Challenger and Columbia, but I worked hard and the years flew by. You love the outdoors, so have you considered a career change to become a National Park Ranger? Being happy at what you do is very important.
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen
PO3 Anthony (Tony) Knudsen
>1 y
Thank you Sgt Hallock, that was a very considerate and meaningful post. I would love to do that, and would love going to work. I am just not in a position in my life where I can take such a tremendous pay cut while pivoting careers. It can be a work in progress but it wont happen over night, but that's no problem.

Congrats on an amazing career and thanks for service to our Gov. I bet you have some great stories!!!
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