Posted on Nov 29, 2014
SrA Aircraft Hydraulic Systems
I am looking into becoming an officer in the near future. Which branch I'm going to is still up in the air. I'd like to gather information from fellow comrades regarding techniques and strategies utilized to achieve a great score, what worked for you, whether if it's a higher GT score or line scores. Any recommended study guides or advice would be appreciated. I have been out of active duty for a while and just want to know if there's any new information regarding this, aside from the obvious studying and refreshing of subjects. I've also had many people ask me whom are really interested in joining the U.S Armed Forces what's the best advice I can give them and I usually give them basic information, so that would be of assistance to our future brothers and sisters as well. Below I've setup a small survey of some known techniques just to get a general idea of what our service members believe to be most effective for them, sorry if I missed a strategy.

I do keep in mind that we are all individuals and we all learn differently so the way I learn may not be effective for others, but actual insight from the majority is at the least helpful and I bet I'll learn something from y'all. Some people are brilliant but just have poor test taking skills and vice versa.
Posted in these groups: Unnamed ASVABAcademics Academics
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Responses: 16
SFC Platoon Sergeant
SGT johnathan Davis

Work! Work! No rally point lol til later!
SGT Team Leader
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9 y
Look who's talking. Get back to work.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Lol don't me come over there and tell on you lol
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Like they would care. Coordinator not even here today
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PO1 John Miller
SGT (Join to see)
I've known quite a few people who have had success with ASVAB For Dummies. You can buy/download a digital copy or order a hardcover copy.
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SFC Maintenance Supervisor/Maintenance Platoon Sergeant
One thing to note is that your GT score and line scores are made up from different areas of the exam. Your GT score is based on the reading comprehension, math and problem solving skills (also math problems). All the other areas like science, mechanical comprehension, etc. make up your line scores. I know in the Army, a 110 GT score or higher is whats mostly required for Officer or Warrant Officer selections. When I came into the Army, my GT was a 102 and when I retook the exam (AFCT), I was able to raise my GT to 116 and seubsequently raised all my line scores abut 10-15 points in the process. As we all know, line scores are to help career counselors find a suitable MOS/CMF for incoming recruits. When I was studying to take the exam, I focused more on what would raise my GT score overall rather than my line scores as I already have an MOS. Study everything but focus mainly on what will raise your GT. The Army has a BSEP course which is worth looking into. Its a prep course for those wishing to retake and raise their scores. I have only seen current service members be able to enroll however, as prior service, you might be able to as well. Although Im not sure, it might be worth looking into. Any base education center will have that information. Good Luck!
SFC Maintenance Supervisor/Maintenance Platoon Sergeant
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>1 y
Also, there is a great website that is completely free to military and is a good tool to help prepare for any exam.
SrA Aircraft Hydraulic Systems
SrA (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you very much for your time and the informstion provided!
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