Posted on Nov 15, 2017
I have been asked to give the "first salute" during an Air Force commissioning ceremony. Can a Marine salute indoors for such a ceremony?
I am a Marine and my wife is commissioning in the Air Force and would like me to get in uniform and render the "first salute". Marines typically do not salute indoors, but are there any exceptions or provisions for ceremonies such as this?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 15
Don’t give it a second thought. It’s your wife, for heaven’s sake. Even IF someone were to say anything, it would probably be nothing more than “Marines aren’t supposed to salute indoors”. In which case you simply say, “Ok, I’ll never do it again”. And, if it’s an enlisted member that says anything, 2LT Alexander can chew them out. :)
Do you really want to tell your wife "No!" You will pay for that for a looong time. JK. Just do it. I have never heard anyone getting in trouble for rendering honors. Congrats on you both!
I'd just do it. 99% sure no one will give you guff for something like this, and if that 1% asshole does, it'll merely be an ass chewing, nothing more. I'd do it.
I haven't been to an Air Force Commissioning, but at mine, the NCO's were waiting outside the door. I would just ask when I got there, sometime Traditions aren't always regulation, like the tradition of giving the first enlisted man/woman to salute you a silver dollar.
We don't salute indoors in the Navy either, but during Change of Command ceremonies, Retirement ceremonies, and even a Commissioning ceremony, we (both those on the platform and those in formation) wore covers and saluted at appropriate times (piping the flag officers, national anthem, etc.) As long as during the ceremony at the appropriate time you're covered, as you would be during a first salute, you're totally good to go. And it's your wife. You have to go to the same house. I'd rather tick an insensitive idiot off than sleep with one eye open.....
Normally NO! I Understand Your Qualms as a Sea Service Veteran we are taught to Remove our Cover when Inside but there are a Few "Exceptions" to the Rule as Master at Arms to Chief of Staff to COMSPAWARSYSCOM I Understand them Well If You are required to Conduct Ceremonial Functions Indoor (Covered) (Like I've Done Several Times) You Treat it Just Like You Were Outside and You Will Render Full Honors "Salute" I Hope that Helps! Very Respectfully CTO1 Wm "Chip" Nagel USN(R). (Little in My World was Black and White)
In this case, you can. You are giving a "First Salute" to your wife. I doubt anyone will get bent out of shape about it. If they do get bent out of shape, then they're idiots.
When is it appropriate to salute indoors? | RallyPoint
This picture has stirred up some debate on Facebook because the Marine isn't saluting during the national anthem. In my nearly 10 years I have never seen a salute rendered indoors except when reporting to an officer or board, receiving a promotion or award, or by an individual on guard duty. I've looked at AR 600-25 and it's not very clear to me. says no you don't. What's the correct answer?
I believe a valid exception would be reporting to your wife as if she had ordered you to come to her office.
You guys could even do something cute/ fun with it at the commissioning ceremony (if it's a private one) where she orders you to report, you report and salute, and then you guys give a brief hug or kiss (as permitable in a ceremony such as this).
You guys could even do something cute/ fun with it at the commissioning ceremony (if it's a private one) where she orders you to report, you report and salute, and then you guys give a brief hug or kiss (as permitable in a ceremony such as this).
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