Posted on Oct 12, 2017
I got company grade article 15 during AIT and demoted to PFC. If my ERB says PFC, how am I getting my rank back once I get to my unit?
I have made a poor judgment, but I learned from my mistakes and I am determined to not make same mistakes again. I have been told that you will get your rank back once you go to your duty station, but my ERB clearly says I am PFC as of now. Although I realize I am responsible for my action, I want to be financially ready for upcoming events. Is there something I am missing here? What can I do to get my rank back? If I cannot get my rank back, do I need to wait 24 months(TIS) since I started as specialist?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
After receiving a demotion as a result of Article 15, your clock for promotion starts over. You are now treated as though you just got promoted to PFC. You will only be promoted at such a time that you have met both the Time in service and time in grade requirements to be eligible for promotion. In addition, after receiving an Article 15 you are flagged. A flag stays in place until your full punishment, or the duration of a set suspension of punishment, has been completed. To ensure that this does not stand in your way later on, make sure that you get the flag removed from your records after completing your punishment, or if a suspension of punishment was put in place make sure that when that period has been fulfilled the flag is removed.
Once your flag has been removed, promotion to DOC may be automatic after accumulating the required time or you may be eligible for waiver. Waiver is subject to the approval of your unit's command.
Once your flag has been removed, promotion to DOC may be automatic after accumulating the required time or you may be eligible for waiver. Waiver is subject to the approval of your unit's command.
MAJ (Join to see)
PFC (Join to see) - The Commander could easily sign a 4187 and promote you any time, but he'd need a reason to do that, if that happened to your friends easy for them but that is far from the norm. Almost always it's a full two years of keeping yourself clean before you get it back. Work hard and you may get it back in 18 months, stellar Soldier stuff and it may be back sooner. Your NCO's will be your avenue to fight for your rank so you need to prove to all your NCO's that you've earned it before they'll be willing to ask the commander for an early promotion. But financially you need to prepare for 24 months before you get SPC back.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Tony Clifford - The records don't follow you. The punishments do. You don't just gain back what you have lost because you moved units.
SSG Stacy Carter
PFC (Join to see) - unfortunately for you, you went from SPC to PFC. It is way easier for a PVT or PV2 to make rank than a PFC? Best thing you can do is basically forget about SPC for a while. Prove to everyone that you are not a screwup and deserve to get promoted and you could get it back as soon as 18 months TIS.....
One thing immediately comes to mind when these types of questions are asked of this forum.
Did you talk to your chain of command?
After I received my first, of several, Article 15's, I talked with my squad leader, assistant squad leader, and PSG about what I could expect next. That's who you should be asking. There's a lot of information you have not provided, that precludes anyone answering your specific question. We don't know the circumstances of the offense, you say others were doing the same thing, I think, and got away with it.
We can give general advice, and SGT Gunderson gave you some good information. But that's all it was was information, not something that you could say "Hey, SGT Gunderson said this is how it's supposed to be so why is something else happening?"
If you want that type of advise I suggest you get an appointment with the JAG.
You also seem to be concerned about the monetary consequences after your Article 15. Maybe you should have thought about that before hand.
There is a lot more I could get into here, but my very best advice to you is this. Talk to your chain of command.
Did you talk to your chain of command?
After I received my first, of several, Article 15's, I talked with my squad leader, assistant squad leader, and PSG about what I could expect next. That's who you should be asking. There's a lot of information you have not provided, that precludes anyone answering your specific question. We don't know the circumstances of the offense, you say others were doing the same thing, I think, and got away with it.
We can give general advice, and SGT Gunderson gave you some good information. But that's all it was was information, not something that you could say "Hey, SGT Gunderson said this is how it's supposed to be so why is something else happening?"
If you want that type of advise I suggest you get an appointment with the JAG.
You also seem to be concerned about the monetary consequences after your Article 15. Maybe you should have thought about that before hand.
There is a lot more I could get into here, but my very best advice to you is this. Talk to your chain of command.
SGT (Join to see)
I have a question. I received a field grade article 15 back in April when I was deployed and was demoted to E5. It shows only on my LES that I am a E5 and all my other record it show I am still at E6. What should I do?
I have never seen someone get their rank back in the way you're asking about. I believe it can be done at 18 months TIS w/ waiver. Also, I think the commander can promote you immediately if he sees fit, but in all likelihood he won't. You got a company grade, so you lucked out. Company grades don't follow you to your next unit, but you will be treated as a PFC. I would advise not broadcasting your article 15 as it might put you on people's radar as a dirtbag. Work your ass off and earn the waiver. You'll make SPC sooner than you'd think. SPC is a bigger deal than you might think. Often SPC are required to fulfill the role of a teamleader. Your words and certainly your actions suggest that you might need to mature a little bit before you're ready for the responsibility. Spend your time as a PFC developing your skills, because there's a possibility that you could be called upon to lead once you make SPC.
PFC (Join to see)
Thanks for the kind advice SGT. I just wanted to know how much I will be making next 12-24 months since getting rank reduction was not part of my financial agenda. I have seen people get caught with alcohol and having sex with opposite sex in their barracks during AIT get away with less severe punishment than me. I really feel like I deserve at least a warning like 20 other people did. I guess they made an example out of my case. However, having a degree and work experience, I should be able to own up to it and move on. Life is not fair and we all know it. I will take your advice and learn to be a leader.
CPT Lawrence Cable
OK, that brings up a question that I can't find an answer. Officially a Commander can waiver 6 months TIS and 3 months TIG. What about advanced placement enlisted? I went in as E3, if I went in today I would have been made E4 since I had a BA. I wasn't in 18 months before they promoted me to E4 and I would have promoted to E5 if I haven't gone into OCS and I didn't have 3 years TIS at that time either.
MSG Ruth Greene
PFC (Join to see) - You said that 20 other got warning, where they SPC. SPC you are a leader and need to act as one so if you was the higher ranking you get the stronger punishment. There is guidelines put out at AIT and if you fail to meet those you have to face the punishment. This is a learning experience take it and learn from mistake. You say life is not fair that is part of life living up to your mistake and the punishment that goes with it. Sometime you need to think before you do something and what the consequence will be and is it worth it. That is life.
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