Posted on Nov 21, 2015
How would you react if your discovered your children or grandchildren singing praises in school to Allah or making posters extolling Allah?
Please don't shoot the messenger. I am not posting this to anger you. Simply to inform you. The real question is why do people criticize Fox News when they are the only regular news media that posts information such as this?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
I would be very upset and would what some answer from the school board on way they are allowing something like that taught in the school's.
Allah is the Arabic word for God. Conservatives are fucking stupid when it comes to foreign languages. There would be no difference if they were singing in Spanish and said Dios. They want more religion in school, but they only want their religion. Why anyone still listens to these fear mongers is beyond me. Fox news is sensationalist media at its finest.
CPT Jack Durish
I've never met a Muslim hater, have you? I've met a few who hate POTUS, but most object to his poor performance of his duties. However, I have many who like to equate disagreement as hatred. They seem incapable of accepting that anyone could object to Muslims or POTUS for any other reason other than pure venality. They are so blinded by their ideology that they can't conceive of honest disagreement.
SSG (Join to see)
I've met plenty who hated Islam, hated Christianity, or simply hated all religions. True that's hating the religion and not the practitioners, however there is a lot of fear of Muslims. So much so, that the leading Republican candidate for President wants to "track" all Muslims.
My children would know it was wrong.
I hope that they are strong enough to stand up for their faith.
If they are too young to do that... there would be hell to pay when I found out.
I hope that they are strong enough to stand up for their faith.
If they are too young to do that... there would be hell to pay when I found out.
Here is why I would be so irate. The government (city, state, and federal) in their brilliant decision making process, say that Catholicism, Christianity, etc., is not allowed in school in any way shape or form because politicians are too butthurt and worried about offending people of other cultures. Ok, fine. So be it. But allowing Islam and Islamic teachings..........even if it is just trying to get the kids to understand why these groups think the way they do.........violates that particular decision of keeping religion out of schools. If my kids can't pray to God and Jesus, then NO ONE prays to their respective deity. Don't let me catch the school saying my kids can't when other kids of other religions can. My foot will go in some administrators ass.........hard............and I don't mean this as an expression.
I would be pretty upset. If they don't allow praise of the Christian God why in the hell are they pushed to do this?
First, Allah is the Arabic word for God, and God is a title not a name. Second, don't we want our kids to learn a little about other cultures? Within that context, out of the tens or hundreds of thousands of schools in this country, no doubt there are going to be dozens of teachers who lack the common sense to do this effectively or appropriatly. That's going to be an issue in .01% of the classrooms, however in the other 99.99% it's going to be handled appropriatly. I also think it's great that kids learn about propoganda, how terrorist groups recruit people and why they engage in terror tactics. It's not enough to know that your just supposed to be afriad of them.
Last, it's not unconstitutional for kids to sing Amazing grace or any other religious song in school. They can do whatever they want as long as thier not being disruptive. The only thing that's probibited is staff and faculty from leading children in religious excercises such as prayer and song unless parents have given thier consent for such activities. If a teacher wants to expose the class to actual religious practice of any sort, they should obtain parental permission.
Last, it's not unconstitutional for kids to sing Amazing grace or any other religious song in school. They can do whatever they want as long as thier not being disruptive. The only thing that's probibited is staff and faculty from leading children in religious excercises such as prayer and song unless parents have given thier consent for such activities. If a teacher wants to expose the class to actual religious practice of any sort, they should obtain parental permission.
school officials are giving comfort to enemy combatants... NDAA states indefinite detention for people that aide terrorist organizations
What happened to you cant pray in school. or better yet what happened to those old school Christian values that we use to have years ago what happened to them.
Probably go "ISIS" on the school and school board, maybe then, have a cup of coffee, and then do it again. :-(
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