Posted on Feb 28, 2015
How would you feel if a veteran you knew joined an Iraqi militia to fight ISIS?
In this story, Brett, a U.S. Army veteran and former General Dynamics employee is volunteering with the Iraqi Dwekh Nawsha. Scott, a computer engineer and also an Army veteran is doing the same. They plan to fight so that christians and religious minorities can practice their faith at will. See the article below for more insight into their decision to join the militia. How would you feel if this was a friend or former colleague of yours? Would you try to talk them out of it or provide them any advice before they left?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 77
America has a long tradition of voluntary service with foreign militaries. Some times there were even enough that they made "American only" units that would revert to US control if the US did join in hostilities.
From a DOD and State Department perspective, this is a win. These are Americans that are built in to Iraqi units that have developed long term relationships. These are HUMINT resource boons.
All said, I think SSG (Join to see) has the right of it. Do it because you believe, not to escape other obligations. This should be a move to right wrongs, not a glorified suicide.
From a DOD and State Department perspective, this is a win. These are Americans that are built in to Iraqi units that have developed long term relationships. These are HUMINT resource boons.
All said, I think SSG (Join to see) has the right of it. Do it because you believe, not to escape other obligations. This should be a move to right wrongs, not a glorified suicide.
SPC Dave Weaver
i feel that is their right,i say go for it. isis should be exterminated as they are pure evil.the world is not a safe place with them in it.
PO2 Michael Stinar
We had people joining the RAF to fight the Luftwaffe AND people going to China (Flying Tigers) to fly against the Japanese prior to the US actually joining the war on Dec 8th 1941. So I would support such action......
SGT Donald Harper
I want to join the fight. How do I do so? I am also a U.S.Army Veteran.
Please contact me at, [login to see]
Please contact me at, [login to see]
SPC John Jones
I would join with my fellow Vet's to help protect them and the rights of the citizens our country swore to defend the first time, my thoughts are there will always good and bad every where and we must protect the or the bad will prevail.
Fighting for one's belief is an individual decision. Whether I agree or not, if they were a friend or family member I would support and honor their decision. To me how would this be any different than those who decided to become Freedom (or Resistance) Fighters during World War II for the French before the U.S. decided to officially get involved? But this is just me thinking out loud.
Every situation is different, so it would depend on the person and their situation. If it was an excuse to extract themselves from a difficult family situation at home or avoid dealing with other difficult issues, I wouldn't support it. If it was out of genuine concern for people they cared about, and they were not neglecting other responsibilities, I would support it.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
SSG (Join to see) your answer was really balanced and well thought out, and it made me re-evaluate my own thinking on this issue. Thanks for the great perspective you shared with us here.
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