Posted on Oct 10, 2024
SPC Motor Transport Operator
I am currently working on my DD 368. Current reservist with ETS 12/2025, want to go Active AMEDD -got AMEDD board approval for 66S. However, having a restart to my DD 368.
Reason: I first submitted my DD368 almost 8 months ago. Last month (08/2024) my S1 deleted the request. His reason "I though you no longer needed it"
No i have to resubmit it - square 1.
What can i do to expedite it?
Respectfully seeking any guidance.
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Responses: 2
COL Randall C.
Edited 5 mo ago
The first step that should be done is have the S1 (or someone else in their section with a HR professional account) submit a CRM to see if the PAR for the DD368 can still be recovered. If not, then you'll have to restart the PAR.

If that's the situation, then about the only influence you hold in expediting the new request is to leverage the mistake your S1 committed and get their assistance in pushing it through the process (that and fully understanding the process and what should be done at each level).

Typically DD368s take about three to six months in the USAR, although it SHOULD be processed within 90 days according to AR 140-10*. The current OCAR guidance* (still in effect from the previous Chief of the Army Reserve, LTG Daniels) is that Conditional Releases are to be processed expeditiously (not necessarily 'approved', just processed).

As your DD368 was almost eight months old, I have to assume that either a) it was stalled somewhere and not being acted upon or b) it had encountered a few snags in the processing but was towards the end of the approval process.

So, if the PAR cannot be recovered, create and submit a new one and make absolutely sure that everything required is included in it (refer to the OCAR memo). Once submitted, notify the S1 so they can do everything to get it out of the unit to your higher headquarters for processing. After that, periodically check on it and if it isn't moving, start tapping on your S1's shoulder to check on their end (occasionally remind about the deleted action that was eight months in processing).
* AR 140-10 (Assignments, Attachments, Details, and Transfers) -
* Memorandum, OCAR, DAAR-HR, 4 Apr 17, Subject: Army Reserve Conditional
Release Policy -
SPC Motor Transport Operator
SPC (Join to see)
5 mo
COL Randall C. thank you so much for the guidance sir. I will continue keeping an eye on the IPPS-A tracker and loop in the recruiter.
I have another question Sir.
On the IPPS-A tracker, it shows the individuals where the document is currently at including their contacts and email (some of them). Would you advise I send a follow-up email?
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
5 mo
SPC (Join to see) - In a word - No. Give the process time to ... process.

The caveat to that is if it has been "stuck" with that individual for much longer than it should be (discuss with your S1 to determine what the process is at that level). In that situation it's acceptable to send an inquiry to them checking on the status.
SPC Motor Transport Operator
SPC (Join to see)
5 mo
COL Randall C. Noted. Thank you sir for the guidance.
SPC Motor Transport Operator
SPC (Join to see)
5 mo
UDPATE: My DD 368 was signed 10/25. Thank you brethren for the guidance! the advice i received on this thread and message has refreshed my faith and passion in this service. So much honest love!! Now comes the dilemma of which duty station would excite me the most.
I am humbled and honored to serve with individuals that carry this cause to greater heights!!
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1SG 1st Sergeant
Did you get this resolved?
SPC Motor Transport Operator
SPC (Join to see)
5 mo
1SG (Join to see) it is still unresolved sir. As advised, I'm still waiting. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
1SG 1st Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
5 mo
SPC (Join to see) inbox me your contact details
SPC Motor Transport Operator
SPC (Join to see)
5 mo
1SG (Join to see) I was fortunate to get the DD368 signed on 10/25. So excited to go AD. I am eternally grateful 1SG for the guidance.
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