Posted on Jan 22, 2020
LTC Lee Bouchard
Do we need to go back to the Basics when it comes to how we train?
What are the basics anyway?
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Responses: 2
SGM Bill Frazer
Really Sir? Shoot move communicate! Any environment, any foe/location. Stop wporrying about IED's/Desert/Muslims, etc. Anybody anywhere with any or lack of equipment.
LTC Lee Bouchard
LTC Lee Bouchard
>1 y
No problem with anything said. I brought the question up because many feel we are not training and preparing for anything but (today's) style of conflict. We have drifted away from basic soldiering skills. Basic Sqd. and Plt. survival and fighting skills are not sufficient for tomorrow's conflict on another type terrain. Too much is devoted to force protection and not enough recourses protecting the force. Another question is the impact of technology and it's effect on how we fight and train. Do we rely use computer's more and rely on our brains less? When the technology breaks down can we still, move, shoot and communicate and win without it?

Ever heard of C'4? Communications, Command, Control and "Computers". Funny

The question I raised comes from mostly Sr. NCO's doing the training and have seen the changes over the last decade or so.
SGM Bill Frazer
SGM Bill Frazer
>1 y
Understand Sir, and not throwing rocks- We have always said we were training for the last war, Roman NCO's probably said the same. Think we rely too much on tech- which can be hacked or EMP'd out. Land Nav w/o GPS not a prob in my day, cause we were lucky to get 2 sat fixes, much last 3 or more. Actual Humit recon, God forbid. It seem the more you rely on gadgets, w/o HUNIT backup- the more than can go wrong. Look at or Drone strikes, people are targets, but were they ad guys?
LTC Lee Bouchard
LTC Lee Bouchard
>1 y
No, you are not throwing rocks and I did not sense you were. You and I come from a different generation and see war fighting today differently. Todays war fighters are not
trained as we were. Today's trainers have some issues about the basics we have gotten away from. At least from their point of view. I'm inclined to agree.

What I am asking from you, and others is this, what do we need to do to get back to the basics and rely on more soldier skills and less on technology. When the gid goes down after an EMP attack? The enemy may not have the same Tech. but still conduct effective operations against us. Could we do the same? All I need is a good Topo map, compass and I full mag. Salsa and chips for the walk. Road kills for dinner.

Drones? May have saved more lives than taken. They provide an airborne view of folks on the ground and with that, can make sure the enemy is...the enemy. In days gone by my observation and ID was the clothing and what was on their backs or in their hands.
If an AK, shoot!!! Male or female. Nobody gave a Sh..!
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SGT Robert Pryor
I always felt we train to fight the last war. We need to identify new potential challenges and train to counter them. What those challenges may be are figured way above my station in life.
LTC Lee Bouchard
LTC Lee Bouchard
>1 y
Pay grade does not matter. Suggesting how to do things better and wiser does. I'll suggest we need to train for tomorrow and not yesterday as you pointed out. We need to look forward and train accordingly. Your Thoughts?
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
LTC Lee Bouchard - My war was a half a century ago, but it sure looked to me like it was not the proper use of conventional forces. It was an unconventional war and should have been fought accordingly. My worthless opinion was it really got bad when they Creighton Abrams in charge. He appeared to me to look down his nose at unconventional units within the US Military. Tanks fighting against people hiding behind trees and rocks in terrain where tanks did not do well got us nowhere. As for the future, I know next to nothing other than it is clear to me that rogue nations are supporting terrorists (al-Qaeda, ISIS, al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, etc.) as their surrogates. Perhaps the first step should be to cut the head off the snake (the nations supporting the terrorists), but you still have to figure out a way to deal with the ideologues. We can't just kill them because it might enhance the determination of others.
LTC Lee Bouchard
LTC Lee Bouchard
>1 y
Thank you. You have made some very good points.
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