Posted on Oct 5, 2015
How should transgender service members be recognized in the military?
The Army EO policy requires transgenders to be recognized as the gender for which they enlisted.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 26
I've lived through some incredible BS double standards during my career. I remember a soldier get a court-martial when his tattoo became infected. They charged him with some bizarre destruction of government property BS for something that was resolved easily in a few weeks. But if someone whacks off their man parts or starts growing boobs without permission it is ok? Then, they are shocked that the military isn't accommodating them for doing something that doesn't have current guidelines in place? Did you receive permission from the DoD for altering your body or does your sense of entitlement and personal beliefs drive this train? Do what you want with your body but don't expect the military to cater for your actions. Want to serve honorably as a transgender? Abide by the current laws and regulations that are in place for everyone and quit expecting special treatment. When the DoD puts out a policy regarding what is LEGALLY allowed to do to mutilate your body, stick to it like all service members are expected to abide by ALL regulations, popular or not. Until then, take your own hypocrisy somewhere else. Let the military focus on our national defense. Let the laws and regulations catch up with medical abilities BEFORE you choose to act. You don't own your bodies while you are under a service commitment. The military does.
SGT William Howell
MSG (Join to see) So I have just one little statement. "Say a Soldier pays out of his own pocket to become a female and the chain of command was aware of the procedure." So you have a surgery to LOOK like a female. Technically they are not a female. They have the wrong chromosomes. You can change your appearance, you can cut your weenier off, your mind can tell you that you are female, but science says otherwise.
The person may be transgender, but they are not female. Just wanted to make that point.
As far as the whole changing of gender roles, more power to them. You only get around a 100 years. Make them count. As long as they're are not hurting others I say do what makes you happy.
The person may be transgender, but they are not female. Just wanted to make that point.
As far as the whole changing of gender roles, more power to them. You only get around a 100 years. Make them count. As long as they're are not hurting others I say do what makes you happy.
MSG (Join to see)
Actually, if you cut your "wiener" off and look like a female then science doesn't matter at this point. I have NEVER, nor I think anyone else has actually taken a blood sample to determine chromosomal gender (other than a criminal case). I'm just saying, "what looks like a duck and quacks like duck"...
SGT William Howell
LT Miranda Bernabei While I respect your opinion at some point we have to draw a line. It can't all be butterflies and cupcakes. If I identify as a dog, do we a society legally have to make a bathroom for dogs? Biology is the lowest common denominator. Therefore that is what we should go with.
Now if I had my way, we would all sleep, shit, shower and shave in the same place. Your only sexual identity would be SGT.
Now if I had my way, we would all sleep, shit, shower and shave in the same place. Your only sexual identity would be SGT.
SGT William Howell
LT Miranda Bernabei We all got shit we have to deal with. The difference most everybody's does not come with a label. Our wheel is not a squeaky as some peoples. If somebody thinks they are trapped in the wrong body then they need to deal with it in their own way. I don't need to deal with it. Just because it is a mental disorder does not mean that I have to become sensitive to it or for that matter even care.
I am not PC nor will I ever be. I don't care if you got nuts or not or if you are supposed to. If I like you, I like you. I judge each person as an individual, not by race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. If you are always looking to stir up drama and are a "Look at me person!" You can go kick rocks. Cause I got my own shit to deal with. I don't need yours too.
I am not PC nor will I ever be. I don't care if you got nuts or not or if you are supposed to. If I like you, I like you. I judge each person as an individual, not by race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. If you are always looking to stir up drama and are a "Look at me person!" You can go kick rocks. Cause I got my own shit to deal with. I don't need yours too.
The Army EO policy tells us the answer.
That we even have to ask this question goes to show how far we've gone to cater to everybody.
That we even have to ask this question goes to show how far we've gone to cater to everybody.
1SG (Join to see)
Negative, MSG (Join to see). The goal of EO is to equalize OPPORTUNITY for everyone.
All people are NOT equal, and we shouldn't water down the definition by expanding the different ways we can be equal.
Some people are great shots; some can't hit the broadside of a barn.
Some people max PT; others struggle to make weight.
There is excellence, there is good enough, and there is not good enough... hence the concept of standards.
People who deliberately choose to change sexes made a choice - a choice with real and substantive social, physical, and mental complications. That reality is reflected in policy - currently under review.
All people are NOT equal, and we shouldn't water down the definition by expanding the different ways we can be equal.
Some people are great shots; some can't hit the broadside of a barn.
Some people max PT; others struggle to make weight.
There is excellence, there is good enough, and there is not good enough... hence the concept of standards.
People who deliberately choose to change sexes made a choice - a choice with real and substantive social, physical, and mental complications. That reality is reflected in policy - currently under review.
The soldiers should be treated with dignity and respect...have we examined some of the language here? Tranny this sissy's uncalled for. I left the military because my chain of command found out I was gay and began to treat me differently from other Soldiers. I had done nothing wrong and I was still rated well on paper but lord knows everyone wanted me to jump through a lot of hoops (that others in my section and company didn't have to do) in order to be promoted. Long story short we have to change our attitude ans realize these are people and treat them with respect we should not assume or presume how they can and should feel.
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