Posted on Apr 23, 2016
How many Rally Pointers have ever fell victim to debit/credit card skimming fraud?
This has happened to my wife recently and luckily USAA caught it within minutes of a purchase being made with or account number. I mentioned this to my coworkers and I was shocked to learn how common this was and to how many of them this has already happened to. Please be aware of the signs of card skimmer.,2817,2469560,00.asp,2817,2469560,00.asp
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 6
I have never been the victim of a skimmer but I have had someone else apply for and get a credit card with my name on it. I didn't suspect anything until I started getting rather nasty calls from a collection agency. It took me months to get that mess all straightened out.To make it more confusing I actually had one of that bank's cards and didn't realize that they were talking about a different account when they first started calling. We had some very unfriendly conversations. When you get one of those "preapproved" card applications be sure and run it through a shredder before you toss it in the trash. All that someone has to do is change the address and send it in.
I always check the card reader... Usually if it's loose or just simply doesn't look right... I'll go inside and pay.... also give the clerk a heads up... When I was in Gordon, Navy Fed noticed that I was making purchases down there and a random purchase in Canada and they automatically froze my account until I called them
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