Posted on Oct 17, 2019
PV2 Dental Specialist
I am a PV2 as you can see from my profile (have basically been flagged my whole military career) therefore I have not been promoted at all.

So here is some back story... I have only been in the army for a little over 1 year. I joined Sept 2018 I have been at this current duty station since Feb 2019 (8 months now). I got arrested for excessively speeding off post (it is a Hawaii law to get arrested on spot for excessively speeding) on my motorcycle in June 2019 (4 months ago). I obviously got flagged for that. Then before that flag got lifted I got a DUI in my car off post in Aug 2019 and not to mention, I am also 20...

I know that my situation is pretty terrible and is 100% from my own decisions and that I fed up. And I am also obviously dealing with a lot on the civilian side. But my questions regard to the army/military career side. I have been waiting for 2 months (Since my DUI) and have heard nothing from my commander on whether Im getting chaptered or staying in with punishments. I did find out about a week ago that the commander already decided her decision and that it is at legal getting verified. Obviously my chain of command didn't tell me anything more than that on what she decided. And I have heard nothing since then. I did receive a counseling from my first line supervisor and then another one from my 1SG but they basically told me what COULD happen which I know that is normal protocol.

So basically my questions are is this normal for it take this long for me to hear something back about what is going to happen? What do you think will most likely happen? I know it is up to my commander but was wondering if anyone could tell me anything from experience.

Any response would be greatly appreciated. It is killing me sitting here day in and day out wonder what is going to happen. I feel like I should have found something out by now. Thank you!
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 8
SFC Michael Hasbun
Legal takes time, especially when it's something that occurs off post. Be patient. I've seen UCMJ take a year or more. Legal isn't going to rush it.

Side Note: You acknowledge the DUI. That's not something that gets swept under the rug. It's a BIG deal. prepare your resume, start looking at SFL-TAP.
PV2 Dental Specialist
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Roger, SFC. I appreciate the reply! Will do
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PVT Mark Zehner
I was a police officer after the Army and when I had no other choice but to arrest a military member I was always contacted by the military. They wanted to know know everything including attitude. I'll be very honest the speeding ticket was not horrible to get but the DUI unfortunately may cost you your military career. The best you can hope for is a somewhat favorable discharge. If I was you that's what I'd be asking. Good luck.
PV2 Dental Specialist
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Completely understand! Thanks for your response!
PVT Mark Zehner
PVT Mark Zehner
>1 y
PV2 (Join to see) wish you only the best
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Since all of your legal issues/arrests occurred off post, base legal and your commander have to confer with civilian authorities to get all details pertinent. Then once they have all the ducks from the civilian authorities, those ducks have to be sent to military legal. And that is gonna take some time. Since you have been already waiting for two months, I would gather you should be standing in front of your Commander to receive either your Article 15 or read your counseling for chapter in about another (at max) another month. But probably more likely less than 3 weeks before you discover your fate. It's a coin toss. But, since you willing broke two laws, I would venture a guess that your time in the military is nigh. But that's just a guess. But as SFC Michael Hasbun said, it could take a year.
PV2 Dental Specialist
PV2 (Join to see)
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Roger, SFC. Also, thank you for the reply. Its helping me better understand how it all works. And I am most definitely praying for the best and completely understand that this is definitely not just going to be some slap on the wrist. Much appreciated, SFC!
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
PV2 (Join to see) -'s gonna be a slap on the wrist. But, the question there going to be a hand remaining when the slap is over or just a broken wrist. You screwed the pooch. The only thing you can do is man up and own it. And...if your command deems you are still retainable....then I HIGHLY suggest you square yourself away so much that you can literally shit gold bricks and Tiffany cuff links. Perhaps an emerald or too.
PV2 Dental Specialist
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Well said, SFC. Thanks again! Praying for the best!
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