Posted on Jun 9, 2015
SPC Andrew Lucas
So i was stupid and waited until I got out to start a disability claim with the VA, how long does it normally take to even get a response from them? Ive been waiting about 2 months now and the only thing I've got back from them is a letter in the mail stating that my paperwork is being processed and that i shouldn't contact them about it. Is that normal? What should I do now?
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CPT Bob Moore
I've been through the process twice. There are several things that determine how fast things go with the claim, some of those you can control, some you can't.

The important thing is to do everything you can to help the VA make the decision more quickly.

Not to discourage you, but my first claim took several years back in the late 90s. My most recent one was just completed and it was started a year ago.

Here is my advice to you:

First, get a premium eBenefits account set up if you don't have one. You can track the status, upload documents, and more.

Second, be patient. It takes time.

Third, make sure you provide them with as much information as possible. I uploaded way more than I thought was necessary and had them say some stuff wasn't needed. However, it is better to give them 3 pieces of documentation of service in the middle east than 1 and have them lose it.

Fourth, be patient.

Fifth, show up to any and all appointments. I have heard of people losing out on benefits because the missed an appointment or failed to get paperwork back to the VA in time. That won't disqualify you from benefits, but it will make the process much longer.

Some people swear by getting help from a veteran's organization, but I went through the process both times without help and had nearly everything I asked for service connected. I didn't need to work the system, though, because I claimed legitimate issues that I had documentation in my service medical record or were presumptive conditions.

Last, in case you missed it, be patient. You should be able to get treatment from the VA while your claim is pending. eBenefits was a big help for me. It does a lot more than just help you keep track of your claim. I would suggest getting that running first if you haven't already.
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SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
I applied in 2002. I had all my eggs in my basket and was designated 100% in six months. But, that was long before the Middle East wars really heated up so there weren't as many apps as there are now. I'll give you a huge tip. If you get turned down, DO NOT, ask for an appeal, ask for a reconsideration. If you ask for an appeal, your paperwork goes on the bottom of the files asking for an appeal. If you ask for a reconsideration, it goes to the main office for evaluation. Get you a service officer. I used the DAV. At my VA, there are service officers in the VA. They keep up with the progress of your app. They are like a power of attorney. You authorize them to file your paperwork, and they will keep you updated on the progress or the lack thereof. If your VA doesn't have service officers, you can go to the American Legion, DAV, VFW and they are supposed to have service officers in their locations. That's about all I can tell you.
SGT Nathan Huff
SGT Nathan Huff
>1 y
Also each state has there own VA offices and they can help you through VSO. eBenefits is another route to work your claims.
CPL David Salazar
CPL David Salazar
>1 y
I'm on the second floor of the regional office, but I unfortunately dont get any face to face time with Veterans. I only make phone calls when I need clarification on a claim. However, I'm always game to meet some fellow warrior after bankers hours and give advice as a Veteran to a Veteran over a beer or dart game.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Bankers hours are over at 1700 ?
Sgt Budget Analyst
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Nathan Huff, thanks to eBenefits, I uploaded my extra back up documentation (private doctors) notes via that site.
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Sgt Budget Analyst
My paperwork hit the VA this past April. They have until Feb 2016 to finish my claim. so if you want them to be thorough, be patient. The VA does not work in warp speed.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see), they don't work at broken clock speed. The thing to remember is you are one among thousands of vets. If your paperwork isn't complete, or you can't prove your claim, yes, it will take forever to get it through the system.
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