Posted on Sep 14, 2019
How likely are Veterans be to granted a scholarship after exhausting GI Bill benefits? Which ones?
This is only regarding scholarships for higher education - not Vocational Rehab, active Service Members, or industry-specific certifications.
I'm trying to clean up my scholarships listing blog:
I'm trying to clean up my scholarships listing blog:
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
As a veteran who also exhausted their GI bill on my undergraduate and went on to do multiple graduate degrees, I completely agree that it entirely depends on you and what career path you are pursuing. My military experience has always been held highly favourably, including in appointments outside of the US (Europe and Canada), as you are always assumed to be more mature, more able to handle pressure, more likely to stay task focused, and frankly more likely to show appropriate deference and loyalty to supervisors without being a complete pushover. As far as scholarships, I stayed in science, and as such have had all of my graduate degrees entirely funded + stipend with very little issue. The biggest issues have been on my end, as the wishy-washy academic world can be massively grating when you’re used to a clear (ish) mission and expectations as to how you will perform.
SPC Cody Parker
SGT (Join to see) Sorry mate, I took a bit of a different route. I did all of my gradwork outside of the US (Canada and Germany), as the tuition is just so much cheaper and they were offering fully funded positions with stipend as SOP for Molecular Biologists
SGT (Join to see)
SPC Cody Parker - So you response above isn't based on your experience with scholarships?
SPC Cody Parker
My response is based on my experience applying for and getting offers for graduate level work, especially working on projects where I was lucky enough to have them actually be funded. As far as fellowships (very different from scholarships) go, however, I’ve found that in my experience the ex-military aspect has little effect, if anything, it’s a slight negative because you may age out.
In short it gets your foot in the door and will help you get those coveted funded positions.
In short it gets your foot in the door and will help you get those coveted funded positions.
SGT (Join to see)
SPC Cody Parker - This reads like a long, indirect "no". Thanks for responding, though.
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