Posted on Aug 31, 2021
How is it training in an infantry unit with women?
I remember my time at "Bennings school for boys." (1998-1999) and our training from 39th A.G. to B.C.T. and AIT was all male. The only time we saw women was if we went to the hospital or in medical. Airborne school was also all male. How had the integration gone? I've always served in all male units, and trained with all men. Has the dynamic changed at all and how do the women do? Not sexist, just a question. I've met quite a few women who would have made great grunts.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
During my time on Sand Hill the only females I saw was our Supply SGT and her clerk. At Airborne, there was at least 35% female I would say closer to 45%. I haven't served with female 11 series, but had females attached to me (medics) on my first deployment, and they put in work. Even got their CMBs
Airborne school was not all male. I went to Airborne school in 1998 and there were females in my class and a female instructor.
CPT Lawrence Cable
It was integrated before that too. I will point out that females at Airborne School do not meet the same PT standards as the male students. When I went to the IRR in 95, the only "elite" school that allowed females and they had to make the same entry standards was Air Assault.
SFC Jaysin Smith
I should say my class only had males. We were all fresh out of AIT and I think only a couple of guys who went to the airborne school with us were not 11 series. I do know that it has had females come through before.
I don't think there's a groundswell of girls who want to be infantry. Overall, it looks like a bunch of adjustments to logistics and standards that didn't need to be made.
SGM Steve Wettstein
Cpl John Parr Adjustments to standards should never be made to accommodate anyone in the military. If they don't what it takes to do the job, they need to find a different one for them.
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