Posted on Mar 23, 2020
How is 17C AIT currently? Have they replaced JCAC with ACAC?
I’ve heard from a lot of people that 17c pulled out of JCAC a few months ago and replaced it with ACAC. Also that ACAC has a very low attrition rate, compared to the much more selective JCAC. Can anyone confirm or refute this?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 3
All 17Cs are still going through JCAC for phase 1 of training based out of Pensacola FL., and phase 2 of training by attending the Army's Cyber Center of Excellence based out of Fort Gordon, GA.
Phase 1 is overseen by the Navy, who conducts the course in a fashion contrary to how most Army AIT's operate. JCAC is still a challenging course but not nearly as difficult as the learning environment that soldiers face while attending JCAC.
Initially, ideas were being thrown around about skipping phase 1 entirely and sending Army soldiers straight to Fort Gordon, where they would focus strictly on the specific skill sets that the Army needs for 17Cs. This move, however, would remove the NSA's accreditation for the MOS, which is why 17Cs are still going through phase 1. The result is an almost 2-year pipeline for training Army cyber soldiers.
The low attrition rates you speak of are related to phase 2 of AIT training. I have never heard of, not have I seen anyone fail phase 2 of the MOS training.
Phase 2 is not about weeding out soldiers, but instead, it is about perfecting the craft of the cyber soldier. When a soldier arrives for phase 2, they have already proven their cyber abilities by completing the difficulty JCAC course. Developing a course to weed out additional soldiers would be a waste of time, money, and Army resources.
I have my own opinions on JCAC, but I will try to refrain from elaborating much further on the course.
I do wish, however, that the Army kept the cyber school strictly within our branch of service. The Army's way of teaching is far superior and more conducive to learning than what anyone will experience while attending JCAC in phase 1 of cyber training.
I have yet to have a bad experience with an Army course. From my limited experience in the Army, the Army has always given me the resources I have needed to succeed in a school. I just had to put in the long hard work to achieve success. Maybe one day, the cyber course will be shorter, and the MOS training will be strictly at Fort Gordon.
Hopefully, this assists in answering your question.
Phase 1 is overseen by the Navy, who conducts the course in a fashion contrary to how most Army AIT's operate. JCAC is still a challenging course but not nearly as difficult as the learning environment that soldiers face while attending JCAC.
Initially, ideas were being thrown around about skipping phase 1 entirely and sending Army soldiers straight to Fort Gordon, where they would focus strictly on the specific skill sets that the Army needs for 17Cs. This move, however, would remove the NSA's accreditation for the MOS, which is why 17Cs are still going through phase 1. The result is an almost 2-year pipeline for training Army cyber soldiers.
The low attrition rates you speak of are related to phase 2 of AIT training. I have never heard of, not have I seen anyone fail phase 2 of the MOS training.
Phase 2 is not about weeding out soldiers, but instead, it is about perfecting the craft of the cyber soldier. When a soldier arrives for phase 2, they have already proven their cyber abilities by completing the difficulty JCAC course. Developing a course to weed out additional soldiers would be a waste of time, money, and Army resources.
I have my own opinions on JCAC, but I will try to refrain from elaborating much further on the course.
I do wish, however, that the Army kept the cyber school strictly within our branch of service. The Army's way of teaching is far superior and more conducive to learning than what anyone will experience while attending JCAC in phase 1 of cyber training.
I have yet to have a bad experience with an Army course. From my limited experience in the Army, the Army has always given me the resources I have needed to succeed in a school. I just had to put in the long hard work to achieve success. Maybe one day, the cyber course will be shorter, and the MOS training will be strictly at Fort Gordon.
Hopefully, this assists in answering your question.
JCAC is still happening. They just started the 3rd pilot of ACAC. How the covid-19 affects this I'm unsure. We haven't gotten new soldiers since the stop move. Not sure when they are deciding to pull out from JCAC 100%.. I graduated phase 2 last month and am in holding due to the stop move.
Contact your reenlistment NCO and check in with your S1 MSG, who can usually find the information for you.
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