Posted on Apr 18, 2014
How have you grown or changed since joining RallyPoint?
1. What has changed?
In this I mean personally, have you learned more made new friends, gained a better understanding of your sister service?
Select your branch and give your response.
Mines: Since I been here in RP, I found myself to be somewhat the same way as I was in the military again. I always kept quite, didn't communicate too much with any one, but have come to know many very wonderful SM and veterans in all branches. I have been very thankful to all those in RP for creating this site because it has become a part of my daily activities and things to check. For me many new and great things have happen in my life that without Rally point would have never been possible.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 16
Since leaving active duty a few months ago, this keeps me plugged in between drills. It's also great to be able to get answers or feedback from others while helping others and learning from others.
SSG Laureano Pabon
Very Good SSgt Fair, its always great to see Marines here in RP. Thanks for responding.
I feel like I have gained some perspective and some confidence through the discussions. It is nice that I can share my opinions that seem to be similar to many who are more experienced than I am. It is also great to see how many approach certain issues, which has provided me with an example to follow in order to not get stuck in my own habits and really evaluate what the situation truly needs. I feel like the majority of the members on this site are those who are dedicated to the needs of the service and really want to make things work well...even when our hands are tied by regulations or policies that hinder the appropriate response.
I really wish this would have been around before I retired in 2010.
I find that I am able have great discussions and actually feel that My voice matters and making a difference
I find that I am able have great discussions and actually feel that My voice matters and making a difference
SSG Laureano Pabon
Thank you for your input MSgt Hebert. One thing you can be certain is that your voice will always matter and you will be heard here in RP, welcome again MSgt Hebert.
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