Posted on Feb 19, 2019
Ally Saith
When I sign this, does that give them full access to look into my history without my/my doctor's authorization? Or only access to names I give them?

I'm so confused by all of this.
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
First quesiton: Who are you giving consent to? MEPS? Another provider? Billy Bob's paint, plumbing, and medical service?

Second question: If the answer above is MEPS, the best thing you could do for your self is to be completely honest and upfront with them. You don't necessarily have to volunteer information but don't attempt to hide it either. Any perception of deception could be used as grounds for immediate disqualification if they so choose.

MEPS will only use your past medical history to determine your qualification for military service. They could care less what happens after you report to basic training. They will have moved on to someone else by then and you'll just be another number in a file somewhere.
Ally Saith
Ally Saith
6 y
Oh yeah, I'm not planning to be dishonest in any way, I'm just curious on what they have access to and to see if they can look at it without my specific authorization. Thanks
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
6 y
Ally Saith - MEPS will look into ANY medical record they can verify. All the way back to the day you were born. That's why I stated you need to be completely honest with them. Overt dishonesty will disqualify you faster than having diabetes or asthma.
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SPC Cavalry Scout
When you sign that form, yes you can them permisssion. Just be hinest, but at the same time do not volunteer information to them.
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