Posted on Jun 1, 2019
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
I'm starting BLC on Tuesday. I've completed SSD-1 and I have a passing APFT. Do I still need a specific amount of promotion points? I meat the promotion points for 12B on Active Duty, but I'm not sure if there's a reserve requirement. I want to get promoted. My promotion packet is being reviewed by my BN promotion board this month. Any help is appreciated.
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Responses: 9
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Edited >1 y ago
Points count but they don't count. The points put you on the Order of Merit List who will be that gets promoted next in the Reserves. It's mainly going to be about your MOS and your willingness to travel for said promotion. I see that you said you put 450 miles on your Distance Sheet. If there is a unit that has an open 12B SGT slot within said 450 miles, then you will promote into that unit and you are on the hook to stay in that unit for one year in order to pretty much keep the new rank. If no slot is open within that distance, then you won't promote until one does. So, if there are no Engineer units within 450 miles of you, you will need to increase that distance.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
PFC Jeffrey Herrington - We do what we have to do for promotions. I live in Pocatello but travel to/from Minneapolis for Weekend Training Assemblies. On the plus side, the Army pays for our hotel rooms and reimburses us for travel expenses (up to a certain amount, of course).
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
ha, that’s more than 1/3 of the way across the country...I don’t like anyone in my family enough to make that trip once a month.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
PFC Jeffrey Herrington - Furr recently referred to me as a ‘piece of shit’ and blocked me.

I consider it high praise.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
PFC Jeffrey Herrington - Oooohhh....this isn't half the issues we face. This is just a little nibble of the cake.
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LTC Stephen F.
My friend SSG(P) (Join to see) sorry i can't provide any useful information.
I certainly hope you will be promoted to Sergeant.
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SGT Retired
NCOs are required to provide accurate feedback and critique to soldiers. As such, they much must be able to receive feedback and critique.

Respectfully, if you’re, “...not sure if there's a reserve requirement”, you might not be prepared for promotion. I’d ask, ‘why should the Army promote a soldier to higher rank if he/she doesn’t even know the basic requirements for attaining that rank?’. That would then beg the question, ‘if he/she doesn’t know the basic requirements for the desired higher rank, what else doesn’t he/she know about being that higher rank?’

Army Regulation 600–8–19, ch 3 might be applicable. Memorizing regulations isn’t necessary, but knowing how to find relevant regulations is. Honestly, “How does getting promoted to SGT work in the Reserves?” isn’t best question for a soldier in the Reserves to be asking; particularly a soldier who thinks he’s ready to be a Sergeant.

Best of luck.
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