Posted on Jan 4, 2016
How do you wear full sized medals on the ASU? I only have one. I'm wearing my blues to prom.
Responses: 211
SPC (Join to see)
Id go with what Drill Sergeant is saying. I am in the same position as you (done with BCT and still in high school, not the ASU to prom thing). Its tacky and just not appropriate for the situation. Like I get it, you want to pop out and look cool but dont be "that guy" and wear your ASU to prom, or even your high school graduation at that.
Sgt Dale Briggs
I worse Blues only once to a wedding, it was my uncles second as it was hers as well, but I’d wear a tux to the prom. Completely agree, you have Sr NCOs giving you good advice, I’d listen to them. If that had been a first wedding for both I would have wore a suit and not my Blues, but that was as much for my Other Uncle Danny as to why, he was a survivor of Iwo Jima and I thought he dig that.
At a prom, the dress your date is wearing is more important. Let her be the center of attention
CPT (Join to see)
2LT Ronald Reimer - I take your point. However let us "old guys" imagine the situation as we wish. Most of us didn't (thank the good Lord) grow up in a society such as we have now. In my worst nightmare I would never have imagined a world so confused or confusing. It is what it is however and as both a priest and a doctor, I still take every person where they are and as they are.
2LT (Join to see)
The Captains here seem to not realize that the 2LT was having a bit of fun at the young man's expense...
CPT (Join to see)
CPT Ian Stewart - This is such a great reply. If there was a RP comment "Hall of Fame" this would have to be included.
LCDR Arthur Whittum
1SG James Kelly - My condolences to you and family. I was married in uniform in a Coast Guard chapel on Governors Island NY. Lucky enough to have six guys with presentable white uniforms to act as sword slashers. On short notice. We made it through 52+ years before she passed on last year.
COL Jon Lopey
1SG Kelly: My sincere condolences. I got married in a suit but after I got back from Afghanistan, I wore my mess dress uniform during a trip to Oahu, HI and we reaffirmed our vows, which was nice (15-years of marriage at time). My wife is better looking than I am so I couldn't outshine her even with 18 medals, badges, and a relatively new mess dress uniform. Thank you all for your service to this great nation! COL L
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