Posted on Jun 15, 2019
SGT Charles Bartell
Is ther a way to find out if some one, Did go to and pass ranger school.
I know a person that has a history of taking credit for thing that he has not done.
Then reciveing award for the work of others.

We both Had the Victor Identiffier next to our Mos due to our duty station.
I was given pin point orders to my last unit because of this.
But I had to prove that I was Did not go to school by haveing some of my last leadership.
Contact the prior unit that had put the (V) next to my Mos.

I feel that this person RECORDS shoud be correted if he has lied about this.
I Have known lots of people that have earned there tab's.
I feel that if this person has lied about this to his recordes should be corrected.
Posted in these groups: P240 RangerTh %282%29 Ranger School
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 12
SFC Marc W.
We need you to calm down and proof read this post first.
SSG Darrell Peters
SSG Darrell Peters
>1 y
I learned just because someone has orders does not mean anything. Orders can be rescinded or amended. If a person was paid for the assignment that is one verifier. Otherwise if it is a school the school completion documentation is a verifier.
SSG Cecil Stroud Jr.
SSG Cecil Stroud Jr.
>1 y
SGT Charles Bartell - Bullshit. G is for a nasty leg that has successfully completed RANGER school. V is for AIRBORNE personnel that successfully complete RANGER school. This is the only way to get the identifiers. Being assigned to the RTB does not automatically give you the identifier. Pvt’s through SPC in the Regiment have to go to the school to be eligible to be a leader in one of the battalions. There are a lot of good RANGERS out there that have the scroll and not the tab.
SGT Charles Bartell
SGT Charles Bartell
>1 y
Never said the Idenafier was automaically given, And this has nothing to do with Regiment except that the RTB's fall under 75th Ranger regiment. For command resions.
I am trying to figure out all you people are turning around what Ihave asked into complety difrrent shit. do you not understand english.
SSG(P) Senior Driver/ Protocol Nco
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
difrrent? nope I do not understand that English...
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CW3 Aviation Safety Officer
ARTB has records of everyone who has graduated the courses there. I’ve seen someone lie about graduating both Airborne and Ranger Schools, wear the badge and tan, then be busted from E-6(P) to E-5 after a call was made to ARTB.
CW3 Aviation Safety Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
CW3 Aviation Safety Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Douglas Vidakovich wow... good job Chappy...
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
I was a medic at 6th RTB for years and never heard of anyone having a V identifier added to their ERB. HRC has to add the identifier these days in order to prevent things like this from happening. Unless you're talking about the duty MOS which is the SQI for the position being filled, not the SQI of the Soldier.

You should know this from working at RTB, but there is a tab check that's conducted during inprocessing and you can request one for someone at any time by contacting the RTB S3 shop.
SGT Charles Bartell
SGT Charles Bartell
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - I will do it tommarow. Thanks.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Alex Alexander absolutely
SQI is the special qualification identifier, such as Airborne, Ranger, instructor, DA select recruiter.
V is the Airborne Ranger SQI.
RTB is Ranger training brigade.
HRC is human resources command
ERB, for us older guys, is what replaced your 201 file.
S3 is the operations Staff section.
MSG Student
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) I've seen a guy fake the ASI on his ERB, had orders and certificate in his OMPF too. He bought them off Ebay, and had them added. His initials and SSN on the upper right hand corner of the paper work was what tipped me off.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG (Join to see) I've definitely seen them faked on the ERB, just never accidentally added. We had a PSG at 3ID who faked it. He always struck me as a faker, but when you're a SPC you don't think a SFC is faking. Apparently it came to light when a guy who went to Ranger School with him informed everyone that the PSG had actually failed and been dropped.
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