Posted on Jul 18, 2019
MSG Bo Lathrop
While I was on recruiting duty from 2006-2009 I was seen by civilians for surgery on my hand and a broken clavicle. It was in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I don't remember the hospital I was seen at and Tricare told me that they are unable to look back that far for any claims. I called every hospital I could think of and none have any record of me being a patient there. Is there any way to reach Tricare and have them be able to look back that far?
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Responses: 20
Capt Daniel Goodman
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Capt Daniel Goodman
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Capt Daniel Goodman
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Capt Daniel Goodman

Try this facility, this is as narrow, focused, and specific, as I could find, they oughta have at least some clue, I should think, I'll give you all the other sites that led me to them as well....
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CSM David Brock
You might try MILPERCenter. They should be on file somewhere. When I retired I made a copy of my health records. VA has been known to loose records.
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Capt Daniel Goodman

The link to the phone listing for the city hadn't pasted in, I'm re-sending it here, you should see it this time, to the mayor's ofc....
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Capt Daniel Goodman
That's as far as my reasoning takes me for the moment, if you wanna yak more, just lemme know, no rush, whenever you want, OK? If I can think of anything else that might be useful, I'll also try to send it, as well....
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Capt Daniel Goodman

The NPRC director in St. Louis is mentioned on here, along with all the other senior NARA staff, as I'd said, they should certainly be able to get you a call back, and/or maybe even transferred, call 86-NARA-NARA, as I'd said, you can then get email addresses and phones for the NPRC director's ofc, we've done that many times, getting family records and related stuff, trust me, they're really quite helpful...they can also query Army to look for records of the fracture through maybe the Surgeon Genl senior ofc staff, as well, they once found my wife's Dad's genl orders for his WW2 Bronze Star, that let us get VA to amend his headstone, with help from Army to include a "V" on it, as well, so trust me, they've gotten far weirder requests than you looking for clinical records from a civilian hospital, it might well have been documented at the time by the hospital that handled your fracture back then, to be sent back to Army, trust me, ask them, it'd certainly be worth a try as well, give them your eVetRecs submission number, so they can find it, as well, they've got their own faxes in the NPRC director's ofc, as well as you being able to send more to them as PDF and/or JPEG attachments to emails, also, OK?
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Capt Daniel Goodman

You'll want to send in an eVetRecs request to NPRC in St. Louis, as it's "possible", note, "possible", that, since you were on active when it happened, which, I'm assuming is relevant to some sort of disability claim or something similar for you, that the hospital stuff "might" have been sent back to your clinical installation at the time controlling your clinical care, even though you had it handled at an outside 86-NARA-NARA, to get over to the NPRC director's staff, they're quite helpful, you'll need to do the eVetRecs Java applet online submission, then get the printout, sign and date it, scan it into a PC, or photo it on your phone, or somehow store the eVetRecs submission number, don't lose it, or none of the NPRC staff are gonna be able to find it, ask explicitly for all your admin/personnel record stuff, in case there's some mention of it somehow in there, however far-fetched, and also all your clinical med/dental records as well...type up a cover letter for the eVetRecs printout, explain the whole thing in as much detail as you can, and fax the eVetRecs prinout as well as the cover letter, all signed and dated, back to the NPRC fax number on the eVetRecs printout, NPRC can't just go by the online submit, it's gotta be signed and dated...send in Privacy Act forms to all three Congress local ofc mil/vet staffs near you, whenever you are, explain the problem, and ask them to also get you a call back from the NPRC dorector's staff, though the staff on the NARA toll-free phone line oughta be able to switch you there, I should think, all the NPRC switchboard staff can do is just tell you if your search is showing on their'll get a letter in a week or two that NPRC got your submit online and by fax, then you'll need maybe a few weeks to a month or two to get all your stuff, it's gonna be double-sided, that's just how they do it, number every page, and scan it all in as PDFs, to send to the Congress ofcs, also, go to a copy place, and hand-copy the whole set of stuff NPRC send you, DON'T give it in to be done, it's gonna get bollixed up, pages out of order, blank pages, etc., YOU do it, to make ABSOLUTELY SURE it's done right, OK? Now, having said all that, mention of the whole thing MIGHT be in there, MIGHT, no way to know till you go through it ALL, literally page by page, it MIGHT'VE been sent in where you were doing your recruiting stuff, to whatever clinical unit handled you at the time, it MIGHT be worth all the trouble to check, I'm just throwing out an idea here, you might luck out, you might not, however, no way to know for sure till you get all of it, that's all I'm saying, OK?
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