Posted on Apr 20, 2018
How do I upgrade my discharge status and change my character of service (RE code) in order to re-enlist?
I was discharged from the Marine corps in June of last year and given an re code 4 and fraudulent enlistment. During SOI I was sent to medical and diagnosed with a personality disorder and then processed out. After returning to civilian life I saw a counselor once and she said ij had no personality disorder or any mental health issues, told me to stop taking the medicine and that I only needed to co time to see her if I felt I needed to. I didn't and haven't seen her since. My question is how do I upgrade my status and change my character of service and re code in order to enlist and how likley is that to happen, with my o ly supporting proof coming from a civilian doctor?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
If you Google "appeal other than honorable discharge" the second link should be a PDF. It's very thorough. You'll just need to adapt it to the Marines.
Or you can go to
Or you can go to
Start here and make sure you provide all the information you can but be to the point.

Board for Corrections of Naval Records
Board for Corrections of Naval Records for HQMC
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