Posted on Feb 13, 2019
How do I upgrade an Other Than Honorable Discharge to a General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions?
I was discharged in 1994 with a RE-4 reenlistment code. Frequent involvement with military authorities. I waived a board at discharge and now I would like to upgrade to a discharge that will allow me use of the VA benefits as if I had an Honorable Discharge. I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Type 1 and I was given a psych evaluation in the Marine Corps by a military doctor and results were found to be, a personality disorder.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 13
How to Apply for a Discharge Upgrade
Get step-by-step instructions on how to apply for a military discharge upgrade or correction. If your discharge is upgraded, you'll be eligible for VA benefits you earned while serving.
Pvt Donald Auge
Thank you for the link, it looks like the place I needed to start my upgrade process.
LCpl Larry Duncan
Hey ssh,you should know this is that to upgrade a discharge is to be on your toes and it has to be in the guidelines of the law of their mistake or we just have to wait it out like a man minding our own business.
Dear Mr. Auge, the Department of the Navy has a process that may also assist you in discovering any eligibility to VA benefits. The below listed link guides the applicant through a Q & A process to help you narrow in on the answers that you seek.
The United States Navy's Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) is committed to providing current and former Navy and Marine Corps members the highest level of administrative review within the Navy to correct errors or injustices to their records.
Are you a veteran requesting an upgrade to your discharge?
In an joint effort, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense partnered to provide step-by-step instructions on how to request a discharge upgrade. Simply click the following link to step through a series of questions which will lead you to the appropriate form and provide instructions on how to apply to the proper board to request a discharge upgrade.
The United States Navy's Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) is committed to providing current and former Navy and Marine Corps members the highest level of administrative review within the Navy to correct errors or injustices to their records.
Are you a veteran requesting an upgrade to your discharge?
In an joint effort, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense partnered to provide step-by-step instructions on how to request a discharge upgrade. Simply click the following link to step through a series of questions which will lead you to the appropriate form and provide instructions on how to apply to the proper board to request a discharge upgrade.
How To Apply For A Discharge Upgrade
Want to apply for a military discharge upgrade or correction? Get step-by-step instructions depending on your specific situation. If your discharge is upgraded, you'll be eligible for VA benefits you earned while serving.
I’ll be the bad guy. You were the can’t get right Marine that probably made your leaderships job harder than it had to be, probably weren’t psychologically qualified but managed to enlist, and now want benefits? In my opinion benefits are earned and I don’t believe you have earned them through your service. Your RE-4 code says so.
1SG Jason Rose
Sir, first I appreciate your service and I did not intend for my comment to offend you. There is enough hate in the world already. I did not understand the circumstances surrounding your issue. I do find that many join today and perhaps in your time looking for an easy way out. Service is not the welfare system. They make it harder on the guy next to them that does everything asked of him. Take a service member who doesn’t meet standards, and is chaptered after a year or two, dishonorably, but still has the same benefits as someone who serves honorably. I don’t think these two examples have the same merit. Nonetheless I wish you luck and hope you get the assistance you need with or without VA. God bless!
CW2 Charles Riggs
Pvt Donald Auge - Hey PVT, I loved your retort to SGT Rose.
Hey SGT Rose He was asking how to upgrade his discharge.
Hey SGT Rose He was asking how to upgrade his discharge.
LCpl Larry Duncan
Dear Mr.Rose, hey yes I am just like this guy and was a member of the marine corps.I know the feeling but to state that oth discharge veterans they are entitled to receive v a benefits as was myself and gotten all ,I had just had to complete just 6 months service which I ran short short from 90 days in which I have 58 days because the veitnam conflict came to a close and think mr,auge can get his benefits as to the attitude of all marines for benefits.
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