Posted on May 31, 2021
SPC(P) Emergency Medical Technician (Emt)
I enlisted in the army reserve August 21, 2019 so that is the date when my TIS starts.

I shipped out for basic training June 9th, 2020, got to AIT August 21st 2020, and got home December 18th, 2020.

I should have been promoted to E-2 on February 21st, 2020 and subsequently to E-3 the day I got to AIT, which was August 21st, 2020. The problem is until last month I was being paid as an E-1, even on active duty orders.

I have been asking for almost 10 months now for this to be corrected and my S1 finally reached back out to me and told me to fill out a 4187 for each rank as well as my LES statements for every paycheck for the last year so that they can ensure I am not lying.

How do I do this? This is S1's fault in the first place and they have not told me how to do anything they are telling me to do. My unit overall is very unhelpful. I am missing out on over $2.5K worth of backpay for my 6 months active and 5 months reserve pay as the wrong rank.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You misunderstood or your S1 mis-stated. The 4187 is for each promotion, but that should be filled out and signed by your training room and company commander. The 4187 is the source document for each advancement (technically an advancement not a promotion) from E1 to E4 and Corporal. That's the source document that Finance and DFAS needs to authorize paying you.

There is no 4187 for backpay. If there is a backpay issue then it's a pay inquiry form. Right now it's not a backpay issue because you're still an E1. Once your rank is fixed DFAS should automatically pay you all your back pay. If you don't receive your back pay then you submit a pay inquiry to your finance.

Bottom line, DFAS cannot pay you for a higher rank until they receive source documents showing your new rank.
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SSG Tom Montgomery
Check with your 1Sgt, CO or local personnel office.
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MAJ Military Personnel And Administrative Specialist
AR 600-8-19 Promotions to PV2, PFC, and SPC will be made automatically by the electronic military personnel office system (eMILPO) (RA) and the Regional Level Application Software (RLAS) (USAR) or immediately with promotion orders (ARNG) for posting to the automated personnel file and/or the master military pay file. ARNG and USAR Soldiers on IADT will not be promoted to SPC unless concurrence is obtained from the Soldier’s RC unit. DA Form 4187 or promotion orders will be used for all USAR Soldiers and all ARNGUS Soldiers awaiting initial military training (special promotions and split training option-phase II) and all promotions for Soldiers in a Title 10 status (including mobilization). DA Form 4187 will not be used for other automatic promotions. ARNG Soldiers are not required to be MOS qualified for promotion through SPC.
Currently, you do not have any 4187s for advancement in your iPERMS.
Your RLAS information and SRB/ERB both have advancement dates, but there is no supporting documents/orders.
S1 (or the ARA/RPAC) should be drafting the 4187 for advancement. You can do the admin portion for them and submit it for your commander's signature.
Once the 4187s are signed and uploaded, a copy can be submitted to the pay team (along with your LES) to get you the back pay (difference in pay) that you are owed.
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