Posted on Jul 12, 2018
How do I enroll my Husband in DEERS when I am in Korea and he's in BCT?
My husband and I just got married right before he went to BCT and I am currently stationed in Korea. I've tried going to DEERS to enroll him and they keep kicking me back for this or that and it is highly frustrating. I know I need a scanned copy of his photo ID and is SSN plus our marriage certificate. Is that all I need? Also how do I sign up for dual military if he's in BCT, can I do so even if he is in BCT? I've asked DEERs and they tell me my S1 should know, but he is brand new.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Why would you enroll your husband in DEERS if he is enrolled already because of the Army?
PFC (Join to see)
Because I am in Korea and hes still in BCT the people at DEERS said they still.need to enroll him into their system.
WO1 (Join to see)
Does he have a CAC? If so then he’s enrolled in DEERS. I believe you’d want to do a married army couples program packet. Your husband can’t be a dependent since he’s already in the military.
PFC (Join to see)
I had asked that i said hes already in the system he has a CAC and all the guy said is well hes not in my system so we have to enroll him and i was very confused
I'd be !most eager to know Kore, whenever you'd know more...interesting scenario...if I can suggest anything else, so far as knockabout exposure might let !e be of any use, by all means, ask, certainly, OK?
Capt Daniel Goodman
So, as I'd said, honest, do the Privacy Act (PA) for alp three of your Congress offs, they can't help you till you do, no way, no how, trust me, I'm sure, 100% positive, honest, and those have to be renewed periodically, it's statutory, semiannually or annually, something like that....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Once you've sent in all the Congress PA forms, typically, the House bet/mil caseworker does such chores, the Senate ones can help, however, as a norm, typically, House mbrs have their staffs handle such things, though you can obv explain the whole thing to all three offs simultaneously by email, once the PA for!s are into alp three ofcs....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Then, ask one of the supervisors or managers of a RAPIDS off near either or both of you for help, document everything, get all names, phones, faxes, emails, so far as is allowed, so you can always give those to whomever might need them, esp the Congressional staffs...however, the Congress staffs might want to write about the problem first to DEERS/DMDC directly, or call for you, to explain the whole thing...I don't know if three way calls are possible at all, however, you might ask, of nothing else, three way calls are genuinely useful when dealing with such bureaucratic snafus, we've found, honest, though I'm unsure what the rules are for such things, or if they'd even be allowed, as I'd said, DEERS/DMDC is quite strict, so the Congress staff might have to write to them, or call themselves, with not of you off the phone, honestly, I don't know, VA was different, though DEERS/DMDC runs VA eBenefits, ultimately, which was why we had to get my mother in law listed, to he able to try for her VA survivor benefits at all...we couldn't get them, as I may have said, however, VA goes by the last !marriage for survivors, my mother in law remarried once, so she had to be listed under my wife's stepdad, not her Dad....
Capt Daniel Goodman
That's as !such as I know for now, as I'd said, pet me know what luck you have, if I can think of anything else that might he useful, I'll try to suggest it, OK? No rush, whenever you want, OK?
And trust !e, they're gonna want ever piece of paper, all ID cards, everything, so get all of them before you even start...also, try asking a RAPIDS facility that does ID cards, when we got my total perm disability approved, my wife and I were given MWR IDs as part of the benefits, RAPIDS units might also he able to help, just a thought, of course....
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