Posted on Apr 20, 2018
How difficult would it be to join the Army after just getting out of the Navy?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
HN Allison Smothers Here is a previous Post about the RE-3G enlistment code. I would get your paperwork together and talk to a recruiter. Good luck.
I'm just curious...would you also be trying for clinical on the Armymside as well? I only ask as, of you're interested in another possibility, depending on your interests and ambitions, you might also look at the USPHS Commissioned Corps at some point...I understand that might not be something you'd want, merely a thought, I thought you might find glancing through their websites, esp their COSTEP analogous to ROTC, of potential interest, that's all, honest. Were you wanting to go medic with Army? Are you in school at all? Are you seeking a nonclinical MOS? I'd just he most interested to hear more, so far as you might care to elaborate, I have an interest in such things...interesting question, honest....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Now here's the thing, OK? I should've gone USPHS, I never knew it existed, I wanted USUHS, I had no idea how hard it was to get, however, it now has a nursing grad school...if you went USPJS, you could go psych nurse, assigned to Army, Navy, or ISAF, you could also go regular nursing or flight or ER nurse, assigned to USCG, or the NOAA Commissioned Corps...I fathom your interest in Army, however, there are numerous other ways, more flexible ways, in my mind, at least, where you can get all the militarymyou want through USPJS, esp if you go COSTEP, as opposed to ROTC in any SVC, USPJS uses OIS indoc school format, as opposed to OCS format, I'd gladly explain more, however, obviooisly, only you can decide, all I can do is show you alternatives, as I'd said, possibly, that you might motnhave considered...with USPHS, you can also go FDA, CDC, NIH, AHRQ, any number of broader exposures, even the Justice Dept Buraumof Prisons, or the Indian Health SVC (IHS), I trained under a USPJS O-6 for my clinical doctorate partially before my disability. You could!apsomgomOR nurse, as what is termed an RN first assist (RN-aFA), with an NP and MSN minimum, look up certified first assist (CFS), you'll see the references, and be allowed to close surf sitesmin OR...also, NPs have privilege a above PAs, I have enormous regard for PAs, however, NPs are allowed scripmprivilegesmon their own, whereas PAs just aren't, though they're well trained, be cause the pedagogical nature of nursing differs, plus, nursing is older, and better organized, look up the concept mof scope of practice in allied health fields, pharmacy Phar!.D.s, DPTs in PT, Aid.D. in audiology, and you'll see what I'm speaking of, I'm Jere of you want Tomaso more,mhope that alp helps, OK? Trust !e, read all I sent you, you won't find it a waste,mpromise, OK?
Capt Daniel Goodman
I follow...I realize it might not all nenwhat you'd initially expected in askingnwhat you asked, howecer, I've accumulated a good deal of such trivia along the way, that:s why I'd figured it might well interest you...also, if you're doing your BSN now, if you can get the COSTEP frommUSPHS, you most likelymcoild wait to go back in with USPHS after you'd be done, or, you could stay in in a grad program, get your MSN and NP,, then go in with USPHS, you could maybe apply for the COSTEPmwhile in grad've gotta realize, if you go in commissioned eventually as RN, regardless of SVC, you're gonna be expected from day one to get a masters, I can tell you that never changes, I assure you...I did my first masters part timez it took six years, and was unendingly aggravating, yourself a favor, and just take the loans and get it done, just take out insurance for your loans in case of illness, such insurance exists, working as civilian doing a masters as an RN is likely to be just as exhausting as when I did my first !asters in engineering in industry, before my total perm disability...also, he PhD or DNP is the doctoral top of the nursing food chain, you wanna go in for the full 20 yrs, an MSN and NP might get you through, howeferz there's no substitute for the academic finish line, honest...if you want to ask more, I'm here, OK? You can also do ROTC grad level, I've read that also, if you want to go that route instead of COSTEP, I'm just saying I quite honestly USPHS would potentially give you considerably more flexibility, honest....
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