Posted on Apr 16, 2017
How can I make my Flight Warrant Packet Competitive?
I am starting my Flight Warrant Officer packet but fear it won't be competitive enough. I would love some information from any source familiar with it. I have contacted the Warrant Officer recruiting command but have some minor question I would prefer to ask my Peers. (I apologies in advance about my default picture I will update it with my DA Photo once I receive it)
I am closing in on the 12 months until I ETS and I understand that there is a waiver to submit my packet 6-12 months out but does this make me less competitive? Would it be more advantageous to extend?
I am currently a SPC in a Sniper section. I have a 121 ASVAB and a 270 PT Score. I have no negative actions on my ERB. But I also have nothing that would make me stand out I'm afraid. I have just begun to start taking college courses, but have taken none previously. I also have not earned any awards. I was hand selected and passed the rigors selection to earn the slot in my sniper section but since have not really done anything to show I'm better then my peers. I fear as if my competitors will be higher enlisted soldiers.
I have spent a lot of time studying for the SIFT and my test date is soon. I have no doubt I will pass with a decent score and will then move on to the medical portion (Most I already have complete because I previously have completed a Special Forces Physical). I have began asking my Chain of Command about LORs but am waiting on the SIFT/Medical to be finished to show I am serious. Unfortunately being Infantry, apart from Air Assault Missions I have little to no experience with Combat Aviation. I was curious as well on how to best contact a CW about shadowing them. Also I am married and have a large amount of questions about Family life during and after training.
I am serious about earning a Flight School slot. If my packet is denied I plan on attending college and applying post graduation again.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I am closing in on the 12 months until I ETS and I understand that there is a waiver to submit my packet 6-12 months out but does this make me less competitive? Would it be more advantageous to extend?
I am currently a SPC in a Sniper section. I have a 121 ASVAB and a 270 PT Score. I have no negative actions on my ERB. But I also have nothing that would make me stand out I'm afraid. I have just begun to start taking college courses, but have taken none previously. I also have not earned any awards. I was hand selected and passed the rigors selection to earn the slot in my sniper section but since have not really done anything to show I'm better then my peers. I fear as if my competitors will be higher enlisted soldiers.
I have spent a lot of time studying for the SIFT and my test date is soon. I have no doubt I will pass with a decent score and will then move on to the medical portion (Most I already have complete because I previously have completed a Special Forces Physical). I have began asking my Chain of Command about LORs but am waiting on the SIFT/Medical to be finished to show I am serious. Unfortunately being Infantry, apart from Air Assault Missions I have little to no experience with Combat Aviation. I was curious as well on how to best contact a CW about shadowing them. Also I am married and have a large amount of questions about Family life during and after training.
I am serious about earning a Flight School slot. If my packet is denied I plan on attending college and applying post graduation again.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Edited 8 y ago
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 5
First off, if your packet is anywhere close to as well put together as your questions then you should be looking good in the running.
I will try to tackle this one from top to bottom.
1) Eliminate won't and can't from your vocabulary. Tell yourself that enough then you'll start to believe it.
2) The 12 month rule is there because of the availability of slots at WOCS. It wouldn't do anyone any good if you were selected and ETS'd before you get a class date or while in school. It won't make you any less desirable if you have less than 12 months. It is a conditional waiver, if I'm selected I agree to extend to meet the requirements of attending WOCS.
3) Being a sniper is no easy task, a 121 ASVAB is pretty damn impressive (most MOS's mark the line of delineation at 110) and a 270 shows you can handle the physical rigors. Flight Warrant is one of those fields where youth is king. (ever heard of hight school to flight school) The Army puts a lot of money into flight training they want to get someone young and keep them around awhile.
4) Do the best you possibly can on your SIFT, it's your entrance exam. Don't worry about the physical if your healthy your healthy if your not your not.
LOR's from your chain are great but the most weight will be from a WO in the flight field. With that being said, go at it with a plan. Why do you want to be a flight warrant? We hear it all the time, "I was thinking about going Warrant." well I was thinking about breathing WTF's your point. Get it?
While your in WOCS your wife will remain at your home station. After completion of WOCS you will have time to PCS to Ft. Rutker for flight training.
Hope this helps, if you have anymore questions let me know.
First off, if your packet is anywhere close to as well put together as your questions then you should be looking good in the running.
I will try to tackle this one from top to bottom.
1) Eliminate won't and can't from your vocabulary. Tell yourself that enough then you'll start to believe it.
2) The 12 month rule is there because of the availability of slots at WOCS. It wouldn't do anyone any good if you were selected and ETS'd before you get a class date or while in school. It won't make you any less desirable if you have less than 12 months. It is a conditional waiver, if I'm selected I agree to extend to meet the requirements of attending WOCS.
3) Being a sniper is no easy task, a 121 ASVAB is pretty damn impressive (most MOS's mark the line of delineation at 110) and a 270 shows you can handle the physical rigors. Flight Warrant is one of those fields where youth is king. (ever heard of hight school to flight school) The Army puts a lot of money into flight training they want to get someone young and keep them around awhile.
4) Do the best you possibly can on your SIFT, it's your entrance exam. Don't worry about the physical if your healthy your healthy if your not your not.
LOR's from your chain are great but the most weight will be from a WO in the flight field. With that being said, go at it with a plan. Why do you want to be a flight warrant? We hear it all the time, "I was thinking about going Warrant." well I was thinking about breathing WTF's your point. Get it?
While your in WOCS your wife will remain at your home station. After completion of WOCS you will have time to PCS to Ft. Rutker for flight training.
Hope this helps, if you have anymore questions let me know.
SPC (Join to see)
I hear a few different things about aircraft selection. I've heard the Top Of The Class gets to pick the rest are needs of the Army. How does that work? I really want a Combat Aviation platform. Also how does the class ranking work?!
Thank you for the motivation. Every WO I have had a chance to meet (Mostly Technical) after speaking with them has done nothing but help encourage me to put a packet in. I am very excited to do so and between me and you I dream of being a Night Stalker one day in my future, always strive to be the best right! As I continue my packet I am sure I will have more questions I will try to direct them you'r way. Thank you so much.
Thank you for the motivation. Every WO I have had a chance to meet (Mostly Technical) after speaking with them has done nothing but help encourage me to put a packet in. I am very excited to do so and between me and you I dream of being a Night Stalker one day in my future, always strive to be the best right! As I continue my packet I am sure I will have more questions I will try to direct them you'r way. Thank you so much.
SPC (Join to see)
Side Note: I've completed Undereater Survival training. I've done the dunk tank in full gear and with the new little dive tank. Will I have to do it again? I literally disposed that training more then anything else. I would do 70days in the field again to be honest haha
CW2 Christopher Esparza
I was not a flight warrant so I don't know about the placement for different aircraft. As for prior training it's best to forget everything you have learned up to the first day of WOC. You will quickly learn your career up to that point means exactly nothing.
SPC (Join to see) With the test scores you have in file, it would seem useful to build a college record with CLEP tests. Check the local ed office for subjects and schedule - having that on your resume will give an indication that you are serious about advanced education as well as the Flight warrant program
SPC (Join to see)
I definitely will look into it once I get back CONUS. I am quite busy taking 2 classes and being in the field but once I return home I intend on not taking Post Deployment leave to finish my packet and take CLEP test!
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