Posted on Mar 19, 2019
How can I go from reserves to active duty and what are the chances?
I’m currently in the army as a 42A. I graduated AIT on February 8th 2019. I’m from Charlotte NC and life here sucks. I joined the reserves to get money for college but school isn’t looking to well. My old job wanted to demote me from a supervisor all the way level 1. And to me it feels like I have nothing left here. I’m really upset with myself and all I want is join active duty and to peruse a career in the army. I plan on staying for a long time but what are the chances of going active duty? I have a dd 368 that I will be bringing to drill this weekend but I’m worried it wouldn’t get signed. What shall I do?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 7
I just got my 368 signed two weeks ago but just To let you know it has to go all the way up on your chain of command to the USARC and get signed in order for you to go active duty .I been waiting since November 2018 but only because my S1 Submitted my active duty package wrong 7 times. It’s all about a waiting game when it comes to the army . If your commander decideds on releasing you it should only take anywhere from 2-3 month for it to go up the chain of command if everything goes smoothly. Also make sure all your medpros are green that’s the only thing stopping me to go to meps right now .
SGT (Join to see)
To clarify, what exactly do they go over in your active duty packet? Green in MEDPROS and PLUHES all 1's means I can bypass medical? What about a background check? Did they see if you needed additional medical or moral waivers? I went from Active to Reserves and now I'm trying to go back Active (no gap in service).
SPC (Join to see)
All I needed was to make sure my MEDPROS was all green & a Letter of recommendation from your commander . Background check would only be depending if you gotta Renew your Security Clearance . The process was really easy is all about your chain of command make sure everything gets pushed. Also when ever you go back to meps if you decides you want to switch your MOS you won’t be able to pick you next active duty assignment but if you decides to stay within your MOs the MEps Career Counselour will call Branch and see what’s available. SGT (Join to see)
If it doesn't get signed (and it takes a while) then you finish your contract and go active. Hopefully you go to school in the meanwhile because you'll still need that degree if you want to make the Army a career.
Elaborate if you can, OK? Associates? Bachelors? any college work at all? Grades? GPAs? Specific course titles, esp. STEM stuff? Non-STEM stuff? Aspirations? Senior enlisted? Warrant? Commissioned? Flight interests? AP credits in high schools? Hobbies? Interests? Reading tastes? Sports, incl martial arts, if any? The more specific and detailed you are in a biosketch, the more can be suggested, by both myself, as well as others, honest...explain a good deal more, so far as you can...also, have you looked at other services at all? If so, which? What MOS types if Army or USMC? What AFSCs if USAF? Navy? USCG? Give us all seriously more details, and we can try to suggest stuff, OK?
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