Posted on Sep 17, 2020
PFC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I’m in the process of being voluntarily chaptered under a chapter 8 as a general discharge. There’s been some confusion amongst my command (these chapters aren’t common anymore, especially where I am). My chapter packet just this week was sent up to be signed by the closest Col in the chain. My due date is November 16, under the chapter it is clearly stated that the SM must be out by 30 days prior to the due date. I requested terminal leave about 4 months ago at the same time I put in for the chapter. My terminal leave “should” start in a week, however it has not been signed (approved/disapproved). I’ll need to clear before terminal leave, but my command isn’t sure whether they can approve it before my chapter is officially signed. I’ve been given the run around by legal also, they said it’s up to my commander. I’ve asked about it insistently, always getting the same answer (that they’re asking legal if they can sign my leave). Should I go to IG to get the regulation on it, or should I call it a loss and sell my leave days? I understand it can be disapproved and my commander has zero obligation to approve it, but I’d rather it get disapproved than this waiting game and run around.
Posted in these groups: D6865484 PregnancyTerminal LeaveMilitary men Discharge
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Responses: 4
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Until your packet is approved with a new ETS date, no Terminal Leave will be approved. You have until October 16th. If it comes down to the witching hour for your packet approved, what days you have for Leave that you can't take will have to be sold back. It sucks, but it's literally a wait game until your packet is done, approved and a new ETS date given.
SSG Intelligence Analyst
SSG (Join to see)
4 y
to add, its not a normal discharge. The packet likely wont be approved until the earliest next week allowing for 10 working days to clear. Chapter 8 discharges are not afforded terminal leave.
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SSG Intelligence Analyst
You cant request terminal leave for a Chapter 8 because your ETS date will reflect the date of separation once the chapter packet is approved. 30 days prior to November 16 is Oct 16. If your packet hasnt been approved yet, then i would expect it to be done this coming week. You are authorized 10 working days to clear upon receipt of orders.

A chapter 8 does not afford you the same benefits as a normal discharge. You cant just use your leave and collect a paycheck because its a voluntary discharge. You will be allowed to sell the leave back
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MAJ Ronnie Reams
Question is a Chapter 8 what we used to call a Section 8?
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
4 y
No. Section 8 was for psych issues. Chapter 8 is for pregnancy volunteer separation.
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
4 y
MSG (Join to see) - , I knew it was for Loony Tunes, as WB would say. LOL So much has changed since I retired, I was curious, thanks.
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