Posted on Jan 22, 2020
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I enlisted as 68W but really wanted 68K b/c my degrees & civilian jobs have been laboratory based. The only reason why I could not get 68K is b/c my transcripts did not say the word algebra so HRC wasn't sure if I took basic math in college - I have a STEM BS & MS, of course I took algebra & calculus even. I ship out Feb 11, is there a way to make this change still?
Thank you!
Edited 5 y ago
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Responses: 6
SFC Retention Operations Nco
I've read everything here so far, and this is my advice - keep your 68W class seat and apply for an AMEDD commissioning program once you have your citizenship. 68K absolutely will not make you any more competitive for any other commissioning program. Your job performance, letters of recommendation, and civilian education will do that. People commission into AMEDD programs all the time coming from non-medical MOS's.

There is no benefit to you waiting, and if you renegotiate your contract for a different MOS and class seat, there is a very good chance you get delayed for up to a year. While there are nine classes a year, they are very small classes with limited class seats. I'm pretty certain, from the last time I looked at open seats, that all seats were filed into next Fiscal Year.

If you keep your current class date you will be working in an MOS that is a good launch pad for every other AMEDD commissioning program. You can use that time to learn about Army, get your citizenship, get your required secret clearance to commission, and get your letters of recommendation. I just don't think the potential gain that you get out of waiting and renegotiating outweighs the potential negatives. Plus, 68K has terrible promotions. If it does take you a few years, you will be stuck at E4 and E5 a lot longer than you would as a 68W. As for making E6, it could be years later than your 68W peers, even with your MS.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
5 y
SPC (Join to see) 68K is what you want now, not what you want overall or even long term. Your real goal is to commission and whatever you do between now and when you commission is a filler. I wouldn't lend too much weight to a temporary job. On top of that, 68K is a year long AIT, while 68W is less than a third of that. You would probably be at your unit and practicing for a year as a 68W before you even finished your 68K AIT.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SPC (Join to see)
5 y
SFC (Join to see) Yes that is true. Say I am put with a platoon that is getting ready to deploy soon after I join them, then will I still be able to put in AMEDD packet when I am out on a tour with them and my citizenship comes through? Or will I have to wait till I get back to the US? Thank you.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
5 y
SPC (Join to see) for most commissioning processes you can apply while deployed and without any minimum time on station requirements. I think the only exceptions are the PA program and the nursing program because you stay enlisted while you go to those courses. In the Army, commissioning trumps everything, even deployment.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SPC (Join to see)
5 y
SFC (Join to see) Great! I want to make the most efficent use of my time so glad I can apply for commission while deployed.
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LTC Hardware Test Engineer
Edited 5 y ago
maybe this is a dumb question, but if you have BS and MS in STEM field why in the hell are you enlisting instead of going OCS?

edit: Just saw the part about citizenship. best COA, stick with 68W, take advantage of the military accelerated path to citizenship (can be accomplished in as little as 10 months) and then apply for OCS.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SPC (Join to see)
5 y
That's the plan, really appreciate your advice.
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SGT Lenise Hamilton
Hi Tasha, contact your recruiter immediately and inform them of your intentions, hopefully you have a good recruiter that cares about your career vs. there quota numbers, it should be something that can be done, if they sound shady about the issue, call the MEPPS Station, and get some insight, you want to speak with someone of high rank, not a peon that don't know there left from there right :-) . Good Luck!
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SPC (Join to see)
5 y
Thank you Sgt Hamilton. I got approval from the 68K course instructor to join the MOS. I took the email to my recruiter and although at first they said that how I was approved for the MOS sounded shady, they said they would get back to me tomorrow with an update. I will wait and see what I find out from them tomorrow. I will have to go to MEPS or find someone high up the chain of command if my recruiters cannot or are unwilling to help. Really appreciate your advice : )
SGT Lenise Hamilton
SGT Lenise Hamilton
5 y
Hi Tasha, I'm keeping my fingers cross and praying for you that all will work in your favor, I reviewed you info. once again, I do have some concerns as to if they will come back with some nonsense, referring to the recruiting office. I see that you need to become a US Citizen from your notes. I'm just hoping that you do not fall through the cracks in a negative way, due-to, the idiot-in-chief in the W/H, I'm sure that your aware that he's trying to activate more rules as far as citizen-ship is concern. I pray that your military
career goes off the ground without any further glitches and that you get in writing what your heart desires because you deserve nothing but the best :-). Please promise me that you will keep me abreast with your outcome. "All The Best To You".
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