How about making a tribute to our fathers who served before us for Veterans Day?
How about Making a Tribute to our Father's that Served before us for Veterans Day?
I honor and pay tribute to my Dad for his selfless service to this nation and all other RP Members who have Dad's that served on this upcoming Veteran's Day!
I will start by posting a picture of my father PFC Donald F. Burroughs, Korean Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient and Crew Serve Weapon member (Carried the BAR - Browning Automatice Rifle) as past of the 25th Infantry Division.
Share your picture (if you have it) and tell your Father's story as a tribute for Veteran's Day
My father starting working at Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Peoria Illinois at the age of 14 for (49 cents) an hour sweeping blast furnace chips in the factory and decided along with two other of his friends to volunteer for the Korean War at age 18. So off they went to Infrantry school and then on to Korea. My dad was in country for 6 months and stepped on a "bouncing betty" land mind and woke up in a transport plane headed for Toyoko, Japan on litter with many other wounded soldiers needing evacuation back to the United States.
He would go through 8 weeks of surgery, burn treatments, and physical therapy, but nothing for PTSD. Severely wounded at the age of 19 combat veterans weren't diagnosed in those days with PTSD or TBI as well as they are today, but it existed and he suffered through it his entire life without anyone ever really telling him what he went through and how it would affect him.
He received 40% disability after being released from Battle Creek, MI military hospital and would suffer a nervous breakdown while assigned to Fort Bragg, NC for the remainder of his volunteer enlistment into the Army. They called it Combat Stress. He would never get the help that his disability might have provided through the VA.
In those days there was no union representation at Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Peoria, IL and in order for my dad to return to work they forced him to give up all of his VA disability in order to return as an employee! He gave it up to marry my Mom and start his family.
He is still here today at the age of 84 and I hope to get him on an Honor Flight this June 2016 to Washington DC before he leaves us and this earth! That to CMSgt Mark Schubert who got me the link and gave me the idea
How about Making a Tribute to our Father's that Served before us for Veterans Day?
I honor and pay tribute to my Dad for his selfless service to this nation and all other RP Members who have Dad's that served on this upcoming Veteran's Day!
I will start by posting a picture of my father PFC Donald F. Burroughs, Korean Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient and Crew Serve Weapon member (Carried the BAR - Browning Automatice Rifle) as past of the 25th Infantry Division.
Share your picture (if you have it) and tell your Father's story as a tribute for Veteran's Day
My father starting working at Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Peoria Illinois at the age of 14 for (49 cents) an hour sweeping blast furnace chips in the factory and decided along with two other of his friends to volunteer for the Korean War at age 18. So off they went to Infrantry school and then on to Korea. My dad was in country for 6 months and stepped on a "bouncing betty" land mind and woke up in a transport plane headed for Toyoko, Japan on litter with many other wounded soldiers needing evacuation back to the United States.
He would go through 8 weeks of surgery, burn treatments, and physical therapy, but nothing for PTSD. Severely wounded at the age of 19 combat veterans weren't diagnosed in those days with PTSD or TBI as well as they are today, but it existed and he suffered through it his entire life without anyone ever really telling him what he went through and how it would affect him.
He received 40% disability after being released from Battle Creek, MI military hospital and would suffer a nervous breakdown while assigned to Fort Bragg, NC for the remainder of his volunteer enlistment into the Army. They called it Combat Stress. He would never get the help that his disability might have provided through the VA.
In those days there was no union representation at Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Peoria, IL and in order for my dad to return to work they forced him to give up all of his VA disability in order to return as an employee! He gave it up to marry my Mom and start his family.
He is still here today at the age of 84 and I hope to get him on an Honor Flight this June 2016 to Washington DC before he leaves us and this earth! That to CMSgt Mark Schubert who got me the link and gave me the idea
Edited 9 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 49
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, I've placed this memorial to my father on similar threads, but I'm delighted to offer it up again. "My favorite veteran has always been and always will be my father, LTJG Jack Curlee. My dad served in the U.S. Navy from JUL43 to JUN46 during WWII. He spent a lot of that time in the Pacific Ocean on USS LST-78. He died 10SEP15 at the age of 93. Requiescant in pace patris mei." CPT (Join to see)
My father served from 1949 to 1962 in the Air Force and was a reconnaissance camara/photographer with the 303rd Tactical Reconnissance Squadron and was stationed at Sembach Air Base, West Germany. He worked on the The RF-80 Shooting Star. His last duty station was at McGuire AFB not sure what unit he was assigned to. I was born at Fort Dix just a couple years before he left active duty due to an illness of his father and his mother needing assistance. My father always regretted leaving the service and had wished he at least went reserve to finish his career. After I left the Corps he pushed me to continue service in the reserves. Thanks dad, I will never forget and you will always be my hero!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Thank you for posting and allowing me to remember my father!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Thank you for posting and allowing me to remember my father!
My grandfather served in the British Army in WWI COL Mikel J. Burroughs . My father was too young to serve in WWII and his paternal uncle who fought for the British Army in WWI was killed with his wife when a German bomb hit their house in 1944
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