Posted on Apr 27, 2015
SGT Ben Keen
Damon werth ncis 35259611 400 225
This past weekend, I was catching up on my favorite TV shows and an ad for an episode of "NCIS: Los Angeles" came on. What I saw really made me upset. The preview of the upcoming episode was that there was a Veteran who returned home from war only to pick up a rifle and target civilians in and around the city.

While I understand that TV needs to sell and all that. But what is making me upset is the number of TV shows going to this plot over and over again. All these do is set back all our efforts to show Veterans as the strong and driven future leaders that we are.

What is the point of continuously showing Veterans as these crazed, gun carrying crazy people unable to transition into the community? Why not show some of our battles but in a way that let's Veterans and the general community know that what we are going through, the battles within, are happening to others. That you aren't alone. That there are people out here willing and able to help.

The idea of us all being a crazy, gun carrying, crazy person has passed it's prime. I feel that if we come together on one united front as brothers and sisters-in-arms, we can help show people what Veterans are really made of. And hopefully, we impact Veterans directly.

TV Show, Transition,
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Responses: 36
SFC Larry Jones
NCIS LA should not even be on the air. Few of their cases are related to the Navy or Marine Corps. I quit watching it 2 or 3 years ago because they couldn't be bothered to remember how many people died in the Oklahoma City bombing. I lost eight professional colleagues in that horror. One more that I know of later took his own life. The number of lives ceaselessly ended that day is 168. I am embarrassed I can't remember how many more were injured.
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PO3 Cindy Williams
Picture shown was from the original NCIS and the person pictures was on steroids. Need to watch what episodes you post from.
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CPL Modesto Macia-Perez
I don't believe our veterans are as broken as some T.V. and movies would lead us to believe, but we do have vets that do develop problems due to their service. I saw this particular episode of NCIS Los Angeles and I believe what the episode tried to convey was how some Vets don't get some of the help they need. I find that NCIS and their spin offs are very pro U.S. Military and shed a good light on our troops. But you are right Sgt. Keen, a lot of movies and shows don't reflect well on us.
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SGT Lawrence Corser
Some for sure are; most are pretty regular people who you wouldnt notice if not for some of the tell tale signs of a vet (haircut, boots, go bag/ bug out bag, and crazy beards). I think in all of society they the media plays up vets as crazy, homeless, or gun toting nutjobs and it couldnt be more wrong.
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Hollywood and media in general are vainglorious and self-centered and the Paparazzi have used this already. Let the lawsuits
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SPC Don Stringer
This is because the producers, directors and actors are all predominately Left wing Democrats, and this is how they actually see servicemen. Frothing at the mouth, crazy, homicidal white men. None of them ever served or seen combat, except for a few of the old timer actors, and Brian Williams, who parachuted into Afghanistan and took Kabul with Seal Team 6, behind him.
SPC Don Stringer
SPC Don Stringer
>1 y
John Kerry? Who wrote up his own Purple Heart (after being told he did not rate one by his CO,) for a self inflicted wound? Who did a week or so in country before punching out over his own self awarded self inflicted wound? Who then slandered his comrade in arms for acts he never witnessed?
My point was not that Democrats never served, it was the Hollywood crowd, the producers and directors, never have. It was relevant, as the topic is the portrayal of veterans in TV and movies.
SPC Don Stringer
SPC Don Stringer
>1 y
I got my comment about Kerry from his CO's own words as he was interviewed regarding the incident.
You are willfully obfuscating the situation. Next, you"ll tell me Jane Fonda was a patriotic USO entertainer.
Like I said, my point is, Hollywood is LEFT WING,and portrays veterans in a very negative light. Its demeaning, disrespectful and borderline treasonous.
SPC Don Stringer
SPC Don Stringer
>1 y
Grant Hibbard of Gulf Breeze, Fla., a retired Navy officer, told he was the commanding officer to whom Kerry reported his “battle wound” on Dec. 3, 1968.

“I had confirmed that there was no hostile fire that night and that Kerry had simply wounded himself with an M-79 grenade round he fired too close. He wanted a Purple Heart, and I refused.”

The former Navy commander said Louis Letson, the base physician, saw Kerry and used tweezers to remove a tiny piece of shrapnel – about 1 centimeter in length and 2 millimeters in diameter – from the lieutenant j.g.’s (junior grade) forearm.

“Letson confirmed that the scratch had been self-inflicted when Kerry clumsily used the M-79.”

It’s been more than 35 years since the incident, but Hibbard still recalls Kerry’s actions with disgust.

“It is unacceptable to nominate yourself for a combat award. It compromises the basic military principle that we survive together.. To promote yourself is to denigrate your team . . . Kerry orchestrated his way out of Vietnam [in four months – a third of the required tour of duty] and then testified, under oath, before Congress that we, his comrades, had committed horrible war crimes..

“This testimony was a lie and slandered honorable men. We, who were actually there, believe he is unfit to command our sons and daughters.”
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